I Cant Explain What Happened (Open to Interpretations)

Date: 12/28/2017

By nexus

I was on my couch trying to astral project for a while (i kept waking myself up instead of trusting that i would regain consciousness when the vibrations start like usual) About an hour and some change goes by, i start to get frustrated because i keep doubting myself i wanted to have a full on o.b.e but it felt impossible at that point because i had used up all my time and energy to keep a steady level of consciousness (during this sleep stage i tend to get tunnel vision and forget somethings) i use all my will power and tell myself i'm not leaving this couch till i astal project i dont care if it takes two days. I finally hit the vibration stage and thats when things get a little fucked up as of right now when im writing this i dont have the full picture of what happened. I remember buts and pieces like i left my body, walked around my living room and stuff but then i completely and i mean completely forget about my body and all my intentions...the next part i cannot remember at all and the next thing i know im in this dream where im getting chased by thanos in this elevator, hes two feet away from and i close my eyes...seemingly everything stops and i remember where i came from. i ended the dream, astral projected faster then i ever had before with full control, when back into my subconscious through my brain ( i didnt even know i could do that) and i see my "dream" self afraid with his hands up and eyes closed, then i turn to thanos and everything blows up and stops...i find myself zooming across galaxys and i touch this energy around me and i start to forget who i am again and i start to think what if i stay there and not come back but i force myself to comeback it was so hard to but i gave all i had to give to get back