Date: 3/10/2019
By JillMagdalene
I was invited on a trip (marijuana would be supplied) and I left and we're going to be gone for 3 days but I needed someone to check my stove and make sure it was off grab my pills and take care of penny, penny had pills she was supposed to take too. I needed 3 pairs of underwear, I asked to send my dirty clothes and i would wash them on the road. we stopped at a gas station the lady spoke English and Spanish and she spoke Spanish to me and I was asking if she had cotton swabs I was motioning towards my ears she understood but she still didn't speak English I knew that she spoke English and Spanish but I didn't call her out on it in a rude way. they had an open package of cotton swabs but it only had about four cotton swabs and they weren't in the best condition. on the trip I was explaining to someone what the ghostly white lights in Africa look like for 4 months. no one could understand or explain it either