Game of Thrones future spin off series!

Date: 9/8/2020

By NiceDream

I dreamed about a Game of Thrones spin-off series set about 10 years later. Though Winterfell had mostly been rebuilt after the devastating battle with the white walkers, parts of it were still ruined and abandoned. A young Theon Stark (son of Sansa, Queen in the North) was exploring the dangerous ruins. A voice called out, telling him not to stray too far. The voice belonged to Sam (aka Baby Sam, now a teenager) who had been tasked with 'baby-sitting' the young prince. Theon ignored the command and journeyed deeper into the ruins, equipped with his trusty bow. Sadly I woke up before finding out what he found among the ruins 😢 I really want this to be made into an actual show now!