Airship Adventure

Date: 9/11/2021

By Keraniwolf

The basic premise of this dream is that I and several other people were on a pirate crew's airship. I, a trans man (both irl and in this dream), accidentally swapped bodies with a trans woman I'd never met but quickly came to think of as my friend. I think we were both prisoners, I was a deckhand and she was a maid, both of us being put to work because we'd been captured for that purpose. Or something. Both of us had to suppress our joy at being in the right bodies and confusion/disappointment over said bodies not REALLY being right because they weren't ours and each technically belonged to someone else. I had to speak in a false falsetto and act as feminine as possible. I also had to tuck, at the insistence of a woman who had apparently known this trans lady since childhood. She was kind of a mentor to my new friend, and became a mentor to me for my friend's sake. I never found out if the girl had a mentor on how to dress or act masculine-- I don't irl, exactly, but I could have in the dream -- but I did take advantage of her mentor's advice. She trained me how to wear skirts properly (I could never get the hang of it even when pretending to be a girl in my own body). She kept telling me to hold my legs closer together than I was when wearing a pencil skirt (despite me spending the rest of the dream in a maid dress, so the training later seemed irrelevant), but I didn't know how to do that. Eventually she smirked like she was enjoying an inside joke and reminded me that there was a barrier I had to remove before I could do it properly. The act of tucking itself was a weird moment because I was euphoric to see that kit in the mirror but also nervous that I might not hide it correctly and I would accidentally out this poor lady -- especially after we'd started to get along like we does It was also reassuring to look at her body and see my own in a new way. To look down at her feet and think "mine actually aren't far off from this size, I guess my feet aren't that small" or "she has little twig arms, maybe mine are pretty muscular compared to hers and I don't need to work as hard at it as I think" or "her eyebrows are so thick but she still looks girly, maybe the things I'm conscious about don't stop me from passing either" and similar things. I don't know what she did, on the other side, about binding or any of the other things a trans guy has to do to pass when he's at my point in transition. My dream self might have been further along, so she didn't have to bind? Whatever the case, we both immediately had to start our jobs looking after these drunken pirates on their airship. Them being almost perpetually drunk made it easier for us both to believe we'd pass properly. I kept my voice high, my body light, my hands cute, and the whole time I was thinking about what I had hidden between my legs. It made being feminine feel natural and fun. I easily acted cute and femme, and it was pleasant. I enjoyed playing with my long hair and swishing my hips slightly (just not enough to give any pirates the wrong idea). It was like a cosplay, but also pretending to be a trans girl when the real trans girl was in another body and trying to pass as a girl felt... like a relief. It was so much less effort than trying to pass as a guy, especially since I wasn't scared on my own behalf at the idea of getting caught. I was worried about failing my new friend, but I had none of my usual fears or discomforts surrounding being outed. That said, I did still try to be careful. I tried very hard to keep my friend's secret. When I realized I had to pee, I made an excuse to take her aside so that we could discuss how to approach this. It was one thing to handle her kit for tucking reasons, it would be another to stand there holding it or for her to pee sitting down when she's (probably) never been properly taught how to clean herself after. There were issues of privacy and secrecy to consider. She just figured that we would both be embarrassed, but it would be a chance to pee the right way with the right kits for the first time in either of our lives so we should take advantage of that. As we were discussing this, the drunken pirates were waking up for the afternoon and tried to find my friend to play with her -- apparently, in my body, she was now known as "the guy who's fun to play games like catch or tag or foot-racing with when you're bored." They pursued her and, by extension since I'd been close to her at the time, me. As they chased, she somehow changed into a hamster form and lost her clothes. She was desperate not to have them see the sex of the hamster and expose either of us as trans people, which led to some absurd hijinks I don't remember that well. In the end, they caught up to her and told her that they'd known we were both body-swapped trans people from the start so could we all just play a game now? I don't know how we reacted to that or what we did moving forward. I have no idea whether er returned to our original bodies or not. All I know is that being trans can give you some weird gender dreams -- at least more of them than cis people -- but this one was more pleasant than most. I kinda had fun with this one. Until Next I Wander.