Naked girl at the counter

Date: 12/7/2019

By Chaos/SSJ

My cousin invited me to go skating but before i knew it he and all his friends had already left and i had no ride. I decided to go ahead and leave so i went to pay for the skating. I knew the girl who was at the counter. I figured i had 20 dollars so i shouldve been fine but i didn’t realize i left it at home. Unfortunately the girl walked off and somebody else came to take my pay. The girl went home and the new person was angry that i didnt have any money and took all my stuff and made me wait till somebody came to pay for me. For some reason the girl figured id be there forever so she decided i could wait in her house across the road. She took me to her house but then i saw the girl who was originally supposed to take my pay. I pointed her out and said we were friends so she decided that she wouldnt make me wait but i would have to pay her back someday and i was free to go. I went to go say hi to my friend and explain the situation and she said i had 50 dollars in my pocket that magically appeared there. When the second girl realized that she got really mad at me for wasting all that time and took me back to pay. While i was paying with the 50 dollars the second girl decided to play a mean prank on me and the first girl and grabbed the first girls shirt and pulled it off of her and then pantsed me. There was was family sitting beside us eating with a little child so i didnt wanna be a creep and have her look at me. I was trying to hide but was too distracted by the boobs in front of me. I woke up after that.