Date: 8/28/2017
By SandStormsz
My dad is like an evil mastermind and he traps me in this "prison world " like from The Vampire Diaries. Nora, one of the heretics from TVD was also there. Basically he took my brother and I had become really worried about him. I can't remember how but I managed to get him back and we ran. We were on the road we live on but everything beyond that was kind of different with some recognisable things. My dad noticed we were missing and started to come after us. Me and my brother hopped a fence and ran through some woods. My dad is close behind us the entire time. We sneak through these fields and eventually start to head to were my best friend lives for refuge. We're running but as per usual in my dreams I can't run very well and end up doing this weird mermaid swimming but in the air thing to keep up. My friend lives about an hour away by walking. Eventually, my brother gets caught but I keep running. Walking through these woods, I live in a city so I have no idea where these woods came from, I start to get really tired. Then, this random guy pulls up in this weird little car and asks if I want a lift. I remember him being a bit crazy and homeless looking but he was really nice. He ends up dropping me in the place where my friend lives. I go and sit in this court yard thing on the ground to rest for a little bit. There's these group of kids there around my age (17). This one girl asks me if I'm alright and I explain my situation to her. Then, my family appears in the courtyard. Aunties, uncles, even my brother. They sit down at a table and start to eat lunch they had brought with them. I over hear them a little and they are trying to figure out where I had gone. This girl and her friends decide to help me so they shield me and get me out of the courtyard. She says she can bring me to the road where my friend lives because I wasn't quite sure. However, she takes a little detour and brings me to like a little stall thing. She gives me some clothes to change into so I look different. I go into the stall and as I'm changing I hear my Auntie and my great auntie who sadly passed away a year ago. They check the stalls and my great auntie finds me. Immediately tears well up in my eyes and I shake my head rapidly to the side mouthing "please". I could honestly feel so much desperation and how terrified I was. My great auntie gives me a sad smile and tells my Auntie that it's all clear before leaving me alone. Then, I wake up.