Sleep Orgasm

Date: 12/18/2016

By Milk

In my dream, I was living with my mother in a messy room. Then, I started to use magic to clean it, but certain things like a robotic suit and a big magical door I had to cast invisible to other people. At one point I had to put on the suit to fight, but didnt have enough time to put on one of the arms and my helmet so certain features like aiming didnt work. I had to save my family from some big war invasion, and didnt have the strength to. So I went to the magic door and started pulling power from Hell. When the stream of red magic started to be to wide and fill the whole door, I realized I needed to disengage from the portal or else the Devil would punish me or take my soul and I would end up in hell. But when I tried, I wasnt fully committed and the moment was too strong. I saw the outline of a face with horns. I then felt the presence of some massive person, like when I stand next to a tall building or look out of a plane window. Then everything turned into a kaleidoscope of purple, white, red, and orange colors and I felt euphoria and this amazing pleasure so strong it shook my whole body. It lasted a while, and when it was over I was confused about why I didnt go to hell or feel punished. When I woke up, my body felt I had just had sex. I had electric tingling in my hands and feet, and felt the satisfaction and gratitude following orgasm.