Date: 12/29/2019
By IndridCold
I was in a town that was familiar to me. There was a big booming sound outside, and I stepped out to investigate. In the distance a big beam was coming up from the ground, like the beam from a lighthouse. After this event, all these things changed in the town. One specific thing I remember is that a small Kinko’s print shop appeared in the median of a street where there was nothing before. There was a forest and 2 giants lived in this forest, I knew them somehow and sent them to investigate but they never returned and I was worried. I was telling everyone about these changes to the world that happened overnight and no one believed me, everyone said the world was always this new way. It was frustrating because I didn’t know how to prove it. Later in the dream it radically changed gears and I was making out with Missy Elliott in an old antique house, in the bathroom. She’s not really my type but she was a great kisser haha