Gross, self instructed care

Date: 12/2/2018

By petal

I not well. I have a very crappy head cold. Sorry this going to be a gross post. 🤮 I slept in late this morning. I was drifting in and out of sleep. Thinking I should get up but feeling to rough to actually manage it. My own voice spoke in my head. I heard as if I was talking to someone else and I was giving them abrupt instructions. It said, “This is a message from me to you. Sit on the floor.” I woke up properly and thought, why? Then I decided to ignore it turned over and went back to sleep. Later, I got up made myself a sandwich and a hot toddy and then went back to bed. After a few hours woke up feeling feverish and sick. Remember my weird dream instructions and decided to try it to see if I’d feel better. As soon as I got to the floor I felt much worse so I rested my head on the mattress and pull my duvet around me. I knew I was going to be sick and wouldn’t make it to the bathroom. Fortunately my waste paper basket was to hand and had a liner in it. I puked in that and just tied the bag up afterwards. If I’d still been in bed it would have gone all over the place and my mattress stinky if not ruin. Happy times. 🤒🙄🥺