Date: 3/16/2019
By Imetaphor
I'm in a fancy apartment getting ready for a business dinner. We'll be sampling the new exclusive Axe fragrances. A well-known perfume maker is there too, with a box/backpack of his perfume samples. The perfumes bearing his name have the same initials as me. I'll have to think of something else if I go into the perfume business. The guests/businesspeople arrive. Now it's a food and wine tasting business party and everyone is a chef. One of the samples is quail eggs. One is tiny pickled-looking broccoli. Most dishes look Asian, and we've put them on our plates buffet style in clockwise order, to pair with the wines. One Japanese chef comments that he's going to be full after this. I'm driving at a busy intersection at what looks like the academy. Lots of pedestrians are crossing the crosswalk. I turn left and drive on the brick sidewalk around the building which seems to be the Mid store. I park by a security fence with government trucks on the other side. It seems like a high-security event is coming up. I've found a good but illegal parking space. My car reduces to a fancy skateboard and I hide it under a truck. I'm in the stairs of an off-limits area. I go through a door and realize I'm in a theater and rehearsal is starting. Based on the ages and the pit band, it's a dress rehearsal for a college or community production. I head down the stairs and see someone but I act confident like I'm supposed to be there. Somewhere I see Sasha. She's really entertained that I've taken off my shirt.