Forbidden room, slight modern magic, lies and complexity

Date: 4/7/2021

By ItsABlackCat

This was the first dream I’ve remembered in a while... ever since I started that one med I stopped remembering my dreams but now that I’m off it I guess it makes sense. Anyways this dream was complex but actually seemed (at least somewhat) coherent. I remember these pieces: First part- im just now realizing, as I write this, that this dream took place in a reoccurring place I have in my mind that’s totally made up. I know I’ve had a dream here before. It’s like a large castle-type school, a bit on the ‘medieval’ side (stone brick walls, exterior looks like a castle) but it’s still fairly modern. It’s like an old building whose general build HASNT changed, but continues to be used... and one thing I remember about the dream is how huge the staircases are. There are four of them— that’s important. Whenever I’m going up them I remember thinking in the dream, about where I am in the school, mentally mapping it out; my thought process is something like “which corner am I at? There are three floors, and four corners, I know I’m going towards floor A but which staircase am I on... oh, I think I remember.” It’s a coherent thing though, something I’d be thinking irl. The staircase is wide and it’s railings at the top floor are, well, not very stable— the staircase gets smaller / thinner but still hangs over an open space, the railings become weak metal ones that only come up to your hip. Looking down you can see, through gaps in the stairs, all the way down... on one side is always a window which stretches along all floors, with the staircase. Another side is always brick wall; the last two sides are where the staircase meets each floor. The windows are the most modern thing, except maybe the haphazardly-built metal fencing / staircases at the top floor(s). In this particular dream I’m late for class or something. I think this is the main plot whenever I have a dream in this made up place. Anyways I have a rushed feeling; that feeling when my bus is just barely on time in real school, when I rush through the halls and luckily my memory helps but I’m still thinking “which floor am I on?” and “which area do I need to be in, I’m in A right now...” and there’s a little anxiety but mostly just a rushed feeling with red cheeks and a bit of irritability; and the hallways at this time are always emptier than usual, with only a few kids milking around, some smoking in bathrooms, others plainly skipping school, and others still talking casually with teachers; I seem to be one of the only ones rushing. That’s the feeling I have in this dream. I’m going up the stairs and am a bit lost, but finally recognize I’m at staircase A. For some reason I continue up to the top floor, which, like an attic of sorts, leads to the pointed top of the corner of the castle— one of four towers like it, you know what I’m talking about?— and the floor seems like something that’s off-limits to most students but not in a way that deterred me. Perhaps it was because of how empty the halls were— nobody to remind me of what I was coming up those stairs for. So I continue up the metal rickety-like staircase to the attic and emerge in a smaller room, mostly round. It has a few book cases and desks with important looking papers, ink pots and modern pens alike, and even a few flasks and bottles— most of them empty or almost empty. Near the center of the room is a strange device thing. It’s big and round, like a pokéball in shape; where the red and white parts would be is instead a clear, glass-type of material, and where the stripe in the middle would be is a solid gold line, it’s also missing that circle in the center of every pokeball. Through the glass I can see the inner workings. It’s clearly a machine of sorts but it’s not too complicated, at least not in modern terms— there’s a few gears but in general it seems to run on something other than regular machinery. Probably magic. I get a weird feeling in my gut. The, “I should NOT be here” feeling, the “I want to leave but some curiosity is pulling me by my stomach, my nausea rising as I’m apparently unable to move away,” the “why am I ignoring my instincts?” feeling. After a few seconds I notice it’s moving. Some dumbass part of me drives me towards it; the staircase is rickety here and I’m not fully on the top floor so I reach over the smallest gap of nothingness, my face nearly level with the ground, peeking through metal bars at this THING. I lean forwards and reach out to grab the floor / wall in front of me for balance, and— too late— realize that the THING is rolling (walking?) towards me. My stomach churns again and I throw myself backwards. Unlike in other dreams, where I feel slow, in this dream I could almost feel the adrenaline pumping through me. But the thing comes so close that, in my scramble away, somehow it just BARELY touches me. It doesn’t hurt or anything, I barely feel it. Part of me thinks it didn’t even touch me and that I was imagining it. I quickly (but yet in a somewhat composed manner) go back down the stairs to the ‘regular’ top floor, feeling so nauseous, like I did something wrong and I’m too nervous to remember what the consequences are. But I know, somehow I knew, that this thing touching me was bad— I wasn’t supposed to let it touch me. Just as I’m coming down a teacher comes up from the stairs below. She isn’t too mad and smiles, and says something like, “Ella, what are you doing here? You’re gonna be late!” Then she sees that I’m slightly higher up the stairs than necessary— like I’m going to the attic floor. She says “oh, don’t go up there, don’t you know it’s off limits? Just don’t worry about it, you’re fine as long as you don’t go in, I think the other teachers are doing something in there.” I feel so sick still but just nod and smile, like, “okay!,” and go back to the ‘regular’ top floor. I enter class quietly, the teacher is already talking but since I’m a good kid he doesn’t yell at me, and only a few kids turn to see who enters— the door was open and was situated at the back of the room so I was glad nobody asked me where I’d been. The next thing I remember is a school emergency. At first I think it’s a drill but some kid shouts that it’s serious and people freak out a little; and yet all the students manage to ‘evacuate’ as if we’re doing a fire drill. Except we go to the basement floor of the school. It’s a huge round room, stone brick like the rest of the school, with doors lining the exterior, and two larger openings where spiral stairs come down on opposite sides of the room. The other doors lead into separate rooms of decent size with small accommodations in them... a few chairs pushed to the back, maybe a single, clean wooden table in a corner, a vending machine against the wall— and where the front wall (next to the door) should be is a large window with small yet glaring and powerful-looking (iron?) bars outside. I come down to see students being grouped into rooms, through the glass walls I can see that a few rooms are already full and the door is locked and secured, with a few adults inside and kids huddled sitting on the ground; it’s crowded but not TOO bad. A few kids stand against the walls of the room or near the window, backs to me. I listen around me and get bits and pieces of what’s going on. Something about a breakout of sorts... an emergency... dangerous... teachers have to handle it... I listen more and the gist is essentially this: something dangerous has escaped / gotten into the school and we are evacuating down here which is apparently the safest place from this creature. Teachers and select ‘star’ students are milling outside of rooms or in the center of this main room, apparently they’re gonna deal with the problem if it arrives— the more powerful staff is outside (upstairs I guess). Everyone else is going into a room and will stay there. Something else I catch is that we’re required to be silent if given a signal. I get a bad feeling. Number one, that thing I touched earlier seems to be too much of a coincidence... and the teacher DID say it was dangerous. Two, regardless of what it was exactly, I felt unsure about going underground to hide from it. The bars supposedly would keep us safe if it came in but it made me feel trapped and I wanted to turn around. Still, I was pushed into a room and soon the door was closed and locked. I sat on the ground next to some other girls I know irl. They’re ‘cooler’ than me so I mostly listen and look around but everyone’s nervous anyways, even though they’re acting cool and all normal I can tell they’re a bit off too. Again it’s not too crowded but it’s enough to make me slightly uncomfortable. A teacher stands with his back against the wall, staring through the glass window thing. The girls around me start talking about the supposedly dangerous escapee. Rumors, of course, but the most reliable resource I had, so I listen and occasionally say things like “really?” and “okay.” They mention things about lies... one girl claims that the dangerous thing senses liars and will come for them. Another says that it can tell the future but only in a reverse way; so it can say what WON’T happen but can’t say what exactly will. Some other kids chime in: one says this THING will give powers to someone allowing them to see the future. Another says that touching it will allow you to see the reverse-future like mentioned previously, through strange realizations and blurred senses, but that it’ll eventually drive you crazy... one agrees with the latter but adds that it will only be a bad thing if you try to use it to lie, or maybe if you lie TO it? Confusing and sometimes conflicting theories but the overall vibe from this creature consists of lying, future telling, and danger. Obviously. I get a strong feeling that the thing I touched earlier was probably the thing everyone was talking about. But I stay stationary until finally everyone is told to quiet down; hushed whispers and ‘casual’ talking fills our room. Outside I see other rooms, all of them filled, and a few teachers are positioned outside every few doors or so. A group of students with black hooded cloaks and badges on their chests is grouped near one staircase. Then, my ears ring, and my hearing sways and turns weird; the chatter starts to fade but somehow I catch very specific and, somehow, perfectly clear snatches of certain conversations. My vision blurs like movement blur but I’m not moving my head that much. I glance down and my vision clears when I look at a certain thing so naturally I follow that thing which apparently is immune to my vision’s blur? It’s a watch on one of the girl’s hands. A basic thing. Rubber colored band with a hello Kitty design or something, and a basic digital face. The numbers were random but somehow, in this dream, they were significant: I got a random thought, “the rooms with the numbers I saw on her watch will be the first ones to be guarded by students.” Sure enough the cloaked students break into groups of 2-3 and station themselves outside of three rooms, one for each number. My vision and hearing clear with this realization and when I glance at the watch again, the numbers are totally different. But somehow I’m sure now: the thing I touched earlier is connected to this, and I have some sort of ability from it. I get up and pace near the door, watching closely through the window. Then the THING comes in. Except not quite... It’s similar but not glass, and smaller. It’s duller and clinks a lot more, like it has tiny legs. It seems more mechanical. But it resembles the thing I saw earlier in all other aspects. Except this one seems to be actively trying something. Students with cloaks group together as the thing comes straight towards my side of the room. They line up a bit always from my door, we’re one of the closest rooms to the action. The students seem scared and unsure, and I just now realize that the teachers are missing... did something happen to them? But there was no blood or bodies; and I hadn’t heard any screaming. Nobody else had, either, or they would’ve freaked out. Somehow I get a strong feeling, a knowledge I’m sure of despite it not making sense, that these students would not be able to ‘defeat’ the thing— and knew it. They DID seem nervous.... So naturally I decide to be even dumber and slip quickly through the door. By the time I unlock it— the simple handle lock— and get through, closing it behind me, my teacher just realizes, and I guess he decides to let me sacrifice myself cause he doesn’t stop me. The students in my room stir a bit and I hear murmuring. Nothing seems to have happened yet, the thing is just sitting there, occasionally clinking towards my side of the room. The students in cloaks are standing like guards. A few in the back of their ‘formation’ turn to look at me and whisper stuff like, “what are you doing?” Then, slow-motion. Things blur here, I have a hard time remembering what exactly happens. But the thing suddenly grounds itself with sturdy and yet temporary-looking metal legs, four of them, little round rods from the bottom. It fires something up. I can’t see it and shouldn’t be able to hear it but my senses do that thing again, that they’d just done earlier: my ears ring and the slight chatter I’d heard before vanishes— instead I hear a low-pitched sound, so low that I feel it more than I hear it. But I’d recognize it anywhere, it’s like the classic charging-up sound from movie guns and weapons. I jump to the front of the formation in front of the cloaked students. They apparently haven’t sensed anything but I knew it was charging up something. I hold my hand out and say in a weirdly confident, NOT at all like me voice, something like “no!” or “stop!” My pose is so much more confident than I actually am. Back straight, arm stretched out, not cowering or defensive in the least. Why do I feel this sure about myself, I wonder? Maybe it’s because of the thing I touched earlier, dumbass, I think right after. Again this happens in slow motion. A laser fires. But not like in the movies. I hear the smallest click and FEEL a sound, so high or low that I simply get vibrations rather than actually sound? But it makes my head feel stuffy and horrible and makes the room feel like it’s suddenly charged, or filled with this noise of sorts. A static feeling comes over me like the hairs on my arms stand up and stuff. A searing heat fills the air in front of my face, I smell it before I feel it and feel it before I see it; acrid smoke and something machine-like; heat like when you lean in front of a pot of boiling water or close to a candle; and then the smallest flash of white light, in a thin line that extends no farther than a few inches from the thing itself. But I know regardless of my senses that a laser was coming at me, even if I couldn’t see all of it. Again I’m just like “why am I here? How am I so confident in playing the hero?” Normally I want to do stuff like that but am never sure of myself, and end up not doing anything thinking that I’d only make it worse. But now, in this dream, I’m really sure of myself, and at the same time questioning this confidence. Like my brain arguing with some strange new instinct or something; my logic clashing against my gut. Anyways it turns out to be a laser! The dream goes third person from behind the THING and I see an explosion of smoke, fading away you can spot the formation of cloaked students— and in the center, me, with my hand still raised and apparently unharmed? The other kids have backed away but seem fine other than one kid who’s coughing up a storm. Out of nowhere, I mean teleportation, not even a HINT of arrival, the THING from earlier arrives. The clear-and-golden one that I touched (or it touched me... I can’t recall). It doesn’t have legs but rolls around pretty quickly, and is significantly bigger than the silver one. On its glass surface I see random things, like how I saw the number on the girl’s watch before; and I know that, just like before, I’m ‘imagining them,’ they’re not actually there at least not for others. The things are random. Sticker-like images of cute smiling foods and pet shops; numbers; random words, seemingly meaningless; and I sense things too. I smell citrus, and then pine, and then something I can’t bring to mind, maybe a perfume of someone I know? I feel heat on my face but different from before. It’s searing hot but seems to cradle my head and cheeks, wraps around my body. I feel my fingertips pulsing so hard that, for a second, I think that maybe they’re about to split open from my heartbeat— and yet my heart itself doesn’t seem THAT bad. In comparison anyways. I taste something like fake strawberry. All these things register as information in my mind. With the watch, I somehow knew that the numbers represented rooms, even though it was situated as time on a watch— it’s the same with everything else. They convey information that seems made-up but somehow my brain makes the connection. I remember feeling overwhelmed with all these realizations, and I become more and more sure of what will, won’t, can or can’t happen; of random bits of info like that a certain student inhaled too much smoke and will pass out if not helped soon, or that one kid broke her pinky finger trying to follow my lead and escape from her (a different) room. With this knowledge I feel prepared. The golden THING seems to be on my side. I remember thinking about the contrasting theories from the other kids; it seemed to be helping me, but then again, both the teacher earlier and everyone else now seemed to think it was dangerous, and it was mentioned that bad things may / will happen if I come in contact. For the time being, though, I decide to use it like accidental super powers, even though I don’t know the consequences. Doubt battles with my newly-knowledgeable mind which is eerily reassuring, very unlike me... almost like another voice entirely implanted into my head. Eugh. Weird... The dream ended there. I remember it was very logical and during the dream I had multiple coherent thoughts, questioning the situation like I would irl, considering factors, wondering what might come next, even arguing with myself against what I did or what I should do, etc..... Yeah weird but the way it was so logical and how it seemed so REAL (I didn’t know I was dreaming and yet my thoughts were ‘real’ enough that it might have been lucid or something?) made me almost like it. Plus, despite the situation I wasn’t as scared as I was anxious, confused and battling against myself— unsure and yet, later, sure????