Date: 5/17/2019
By nekocat
This was not a dream, I was wide awake. I woke up early this morning for work. I turned off my alarm, trying to get an extra 15 mins of sleep. I’m one of those people who have like a billion alarms set up. I closed my eyes, turned to my side and edge of the bed, started to fall back asleep when all of a sudden, I hear my name. I thought maybe I was hearing things and that the wind outside was somehow seeping through my window. I ignored it since my partner and dogs were sleeping soundly. I heard my name again, but this time i heard it crystal clear. It was a woman’s voice. By this time, I was freaking out and I immediately covered my ears and closed my eyes, afraid something might be standing in front of me. I waited for 5 mins, waiting for something to touch me and scare the crap out of me in the dark. Nothing happened and of course I couldn’t hear anything since I had my ears covered. I finally uncovered one of my ears to wake up my partner. I asked her to hold me for the next few minutes. I didn’t hear anything or see anything after that. Here I am at work. Thinking things over. Am i being haunted? Or am I going crazy?