Digital art 4k scene from a movie: A child kidnapped by Alameda, a chubby pimple-faced man with yellow hair resembling Høgger'n, holding a gun to their head as they must stay calm and lay with their head resting on the pistol, driving around Etne before stopping at a cafe where they cleverly slip a note to the waitress for help, eventually leading to a dramatic and unexpected conclusion.

Kidnappet av Alameda

Date: 3/1/2019

By monjanse

jeg ble kidnappet av en feit kvisete mann med gult hår som likner litt på Høgger'n. han hadde pistolen inntill hodet mitt og jeg måtte være helt rolig å ligge med hodet å sove oppå pistolen, ellers skjøt han meg. han hadde meg i forsetet i bilen sin og kjørte rundt i Etne og jeg sa jeg var tørst. vi gikk til en kafe. jeg bestillte et glass juice og lurte meg og ga servitøren en lapp som det sto "hjelp, ring politi, jeg er et offer for kidnapping av Alameda. det trikset hadde jeg lært av youtube. alle visste om Alameda. han var en etterlyst kidnapper. servitrisen fra Kina hadde sett lappen da den koreanske servitørmannen bak disken hadde funnet boka med "hintet dødskort med den døde brune hest" inni og da hadde lappen falt ned på gulvet så mannen fant det og ringte politiet. men så falt lappen plutselig under bordet der jeg og Alameda satt, og jeg gjemte lappen under skoen min. men han hadde sett lappen. jeg gikk til og bak til servitørene i kassa, og da kom Alameda og tok frem pistolen sin fra den lysebrune håndveska si forran disken, og jeg trodde han skulle skyte meg, men han holdt pistolen løst og sjøt seg selv i halsen. og mens han døde, snurret han med pistolen i høyre hånden, og skjøt rundt seg. jeg følte at jeg hadde opplevd denne kidnappingen før, men bare som en nyhet på tv.

AI generated interpretation This dream can be interpreted as a manifestation of feelings of powerlessness and vulnerability in your waking life, as well as unresolved fears and anxieties. The kidnapper in your dream represents a threat or danger that you perceive in your life, someone who holds power over you and puts you in a position where you feel helpless and at their mercy. The fact that you were able to find a clever way to send a distress signal for help by using a trick you learned from YouTube indicates your subconscious mind's desire to find a solution or seek help in difficult situations. The concept of Alameda being a well-known and wanted kidnapper suggests that you may be grappling with internal conflicts or external pressures that seem threatening or overwhelming. The sudden and unexpected turn of events where Alameda shoots himself could symbolize a release or escape from a situation that you feel trapped in. The act of him spinning the gun and shooting around him as he dies could represent a sense of chaos or lack of control in your life that needs to be addressed. The recurring feeling of déjà vu in your dream, where you seem to have experienced the kidnapping before only as a news story on TV, could signify a sense of disconnect or detachment from your own emotions or experiences. This may suggest a need to reevaluate your current circumstances and pay attention to any warning signs or red flags that you may have been ignoring. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious mind processing feelings of fear, powerlessness, and a desire for protection or escape in response to challenging situations in your waking life. It may be beneficial to explore these emotions further and consider reaching out for support or guidance if needed.