Going to China (Nap Dream)

Date: 8/23/2018

By savamey

My dad is flying to China for a business trip. He offers to take my sister and I with him. It will only be for a weekend. My sister and I are excited, however, it will be a couple of days. I watch/am in new episodes of Steven Universe that come out, with new fusions. Meanwhile, my sister holds a sleepover with classmates of hers I have never met before. One of the classmates is a tall redhead dude. They all go to a candy store, as well as my brothers and I (recently, candy stores have been a recurring dream theme, I may need to investigate the meaning). I taste a lot of the candies, and I end up getting some chocolate candies, as well as colored powder that has apple tastes and other tastes. I try the powder, and I do not like it. However, I am able to give it back and get some delicious fudge instead. We go back to the house. There, my sister and her friends run wild. I head to my room and take a nap. I am waiting for us to go to China. When I wake up, my sister comes up to me and says that she’s horny and would like to jack off real quick before joining her friends in a game of hide and seek. I tell her a place to quickly do it. I get onto my phone, where I have a notification from this very app that my mom liked one of my dreams and commented. I am horrified and block her immediately. I also find out that she’s an author of bad romance books. At this moment, I know it’s a dream and think to myself, “Thank goodness it’s just a dream”. I don’t become fully lucid, though. The friends of my sister leave. We are now waiting to go to China. My sister gets a doll of a Chinese girl and plays with it. In the basement, my grandmother helps me play some mermaid game that she played when she was younger. I wake up right as I’m about to leave to go to China. Update: I looked up the dream meanings of both “candy” and “store”, and my dreams seem to be telling me that I’m stressed at the moment and need to try to indulge myself a bit, which is a true statement for me right now.