sex trafficked

Date: 6/22/2020

By sarahhowwell

im 100% sure i travelled to a parallel universe and experienced this in my sleep, because of how real it was. usually during a bad dream i have a faint sense of knowing i’m dreaming so i don’t panic. this was not the case for me in the dream i just had. it was a blur of confusion, which is why it felt so real in the dream, and nothing extremely odd happened until the end. it started that i got in two teens’ car and they were going to bring me to school, except i hardly remember it. a girl was driving and a boy was in the passenger side. i was in the seat directly behind the girl. this is so freaky because in my mind this is a memory. i don’t remember & thats important for later. i “slept” through the entire car ride, but i remember faint confusion every now and then when i would open my eyes. the car ride to school should’ve only been 20 mins, and every time i woke up, it felt like 2 mins, so i wasn’t worried. there was a huge gap in memory recognition. i woke up in the car, like fully. they were talking in the front and i saw that the time was 6:49 pm. we had left for “school” at 6am so we had been driving a little over 12 hours. i was so groggy and i didn’t know why, i couldn’t comprehend certain things and even if i was starting to panic, i couldn’t because everything felt so slow, i felt helpless. they saw that i was awake and the girl said “sarah don’t worry we are almost there” and the boy laughed and said “you should be more careful who u take coffee from” which i didn’t understand because i couldn’t remember the entire car ride. then he told me that he put a really powerful date rape drug that would make me pass out for hours in my coffee that he supposedly gave me. i remember panicking and wondering where i was, looking out the window for street signs. in my head i was like “wait what if this is a dream” usually if i think that in a dream i’ll realize, but i kept thinking with positive certainty this was real life. it would have been the exact process of thoughts as if it was real life, which was fight or flight. i couldn’t panic though, bc of the drugs. i remember with absolutely vivid detail, being in the back of the car, knowing i wasn’t dreaming, knowing that my life was about to change. i couldn’t even recall what had happened the day before, or what day it was supposed to be, because my mind wasn’t working. i think i either fell back asleep or have no memory recognition bc i don’t remember how we got here. we arrived at some sort of countryside/ woodsy area. i remember them slowing down to figure how where to go, and i jumped out of the car and ran straight for the woods. i was so slow and couldn’t run very fast. dude this is freaking me out because this wasn’t a dream. this is me remembering memories they are clearer than they ever have been before. the girl got out of the car first and chased after me. the boy was following behind. the sad part about this, is that i don’t remember what they looked like, but at the beginning, i felt as if they were close friends and that i could trust them, but also had a sense of strangeness, and didn’t know them well. i couldn’t make it deep in the woods so i started climbing the trees. this is when things get odd, which in dream i’d usually recognize them as such, but i started levitating. it was like i wanted to get away so badly that i was using my legs on some sort of force field around me to bounce higher. i remember a break in the trees at the top and the golden sun was at sunset and it was beautiful. so vivid and clear. i was way ahead of the girl but she was catching up fast. i was at the very top of a tree, the peak. and when she climbed up i was planning on kicking her down, but she was revealed as my very close friend, reese. i didn’t want to kick her because i didn’t want to hurt her. i don’t remember but now we were inside a store in the middle of nowhere. the girl and guy were w me and reese was also there, they were separate people now. the girl and guy were distracted for a moment and reese said she was going to help me escape. not sure what happened next, but i remember us getting away from them, reese and i got separated, and when they found me, i told them that reese called the cops on them and that they were almost here. they booked it out of the store, at this point i was seeing myself in 3rd point of view, running around the side of the building at sunset to find reese gathered with a bunch of native americans (dressed as they would have back then, also this part of the dream gives me vibes of a reservation) reese told me that they were driving me to a body showing, which is a big contest where people buy and auction girls. idk how i got home, but my mom didn’t realize i was gone. i thought “i’m gonna need a lot of therapy” and i was trying to wrap my head around what had happened. i didn’t remember hardly anything and i couldn’t remember what day it was, what i was supposed to be doing etc. that’s all i remember but i wanna add some notes just to reiterate how real this felt. i remember the smell of the car, the grogginess i felt everytime i woke up for a few seconds and fell back to sleep, the absolute sureness that this was real life, sitting up, thinking “is this a dream?” and how scared i was. i remember how cold the ac was and how the leather seats felt.