Date: 5/5/2019
By hellbound
I was in a strange place. I couldn't figure out where. I had gotten there on a plane. I was with a strange couple. There was a man, he was dark and had dark hair and eyes. There was a woman, his wife, who had blond hair. He was a photographer of some kind. I asked him where I was, they laughed and said Australia. I asked where in Australia, they couldn't give me an answer. I could not figure it out, they didn't have Australian accent. I asked him where they were from. The woman said she was originally from Illinois, from around Springfield. The guy said I needed to go take pictures. We got in a car and went to a crazy beach. It was strange, because it was the middle of the night, but it was lit up like it was daytime. I asked a man like it was like this, he said it was the moon. I set up my camera. The stars were very bright, and I could see a large city in the background. There was a creepy man sitting on a bench that kept watching me, he had a camera that was huge and had a telephoto lens,. I was nervous, because everything seemed wrong. The sky would darken and get light, the tide would come in strong, then it wouldn't. I was worried about my camera, it was on tripod. I walked a little further from the beach, even though the couple told me not to do that. The city had strange red buildings.