Date: 11/20/2018
By Annaliese578
The rock, and some guy from the react channel went on a really badly built spaceship. It crashed before it got out of the atmosphere. Me and my family went to go find them to see if they survived. Me and my mom were in this weird slime lake thing and we were standing on top of the slime. Next to the slime there was real water that we were not allowed to touch. (It had crocodiles in it) the rest of my family came to save us in this big boat that was half made of wood and half made of greed slime. When we got on my mom and dad started fighting about how the slime used to give diseases before _____(idk what they said) and they said now it was just called a potential disease. Then a bunch of weird miskitos flew in, but their noses were like needles and were super long. They only attacked at our ankles for some reason. My main reacting was to swat them, but since they had a needle nose, I got stabbed with the needle. When I did, my hand turned numb and blue. It sucked. Then I woke myself up.