Loosing in my keys, almost dying and getting set up with a random person

Date: 9/23/2023

By Ether_Erebus

Went to school. Damien was there, it was a boys club and basically everyone was like that. He made friends with the other grad students and post docs and went to parties and stuff. I was ther too, but the parties were all frat-based and like “in group vs. Out group” so I wasn’t really received well. But I was nice to everyone and made chit chat with random people, at some point they also were nice back. BUT, at some point someone stole my keys for the office and the viv. I went on a hunt, only found my lanyard and T-card, everything else was gone, but the good thing was I still had my car keys. Got in the car, went to the mall for something and saw Lana del ray walking around with some people. She said no pictures so I was like “okay” and just walked by her. It’s all Halloween decorations in the mall, a spooky clown tries to scare me. I don’t get scared, I see my brother there so I call him and tell him I’m there. I come outside the mall into the parking lot area and his friend leaves and my brother gets into my car to grab something from a random person with me. We get into the car, I miss the turn we were supposed to take so I try to make a U-turn at this random person’s house but I go too far back. It’s like pitch black outside and I basically fall off a cliff of some sort. And I scream oh fuck, trying to aggressively press the break pedal but it doesn’t work and we’re still careening backwards. We’re free falling, I’m apologizing to my brother and I’m taking big breaths of air, trying to prep myself for the water that may be at the bottom. I take off my brother’s seatbelt and mine and force ourselves out of the car. I grab a tree branch with my left arm, hook my right arm around my brother and pull the two of us out and towards the back of the house. The light is on and I have my phone in my pocket so I dial 911 and tell them to come. I see the people and scream for help - they see and apparently something’s wrong with me and they can’t let me into the house, but they can let my brother in. So I watch from afar while they take him back inside. And at some point the cops came and diffused the situation, I still can’t see wtf happened with the car and the branch I was holding becomes a tree at less of a steep angle but I end up getting up and into the house too. Somehow, I go to the bathroom to freshen up and then go back outside and my brother’s sitting there at the dinner table and there’s loads of girls and some younger men around him. He’s chatting and he looks at me but something feels wrong, like he’s not on edge how I am and it’s freaking me out a little. My brother looks at me with a kinda glazed over look and I pull him to get up and he follows. It’s somehow light outside now, and it’s a little gloomy but I get a good look at the backyard and it looks nothing like what I’d left it as when the car rolled back. It’s super bright and looks kinda like a Greek house. It has high white walls as the boarder of the back yard. It has a huge pool in the middle and people are milling about everywhere. There’s some sort of event happening and everyone is wearing linen clothes and looking posh. My brother is now nowhere to be found and everyone is looking at me like I’m the scum of the earth. I don’t really know wtf is happening but I know it has something to do with marriage and paring people off. It’s like a huge ass date for everyone. It’s weird because I know I’m not part of this set up and they’re still trying to set me up with people. I’m not the same religion as them and they’re still trying while I’m actively avoiding all the people there. At some point, I figure out that to get out of there you have to walk out like you have purpose or some shit. I knew my phone wasn’t working but there was some sort of gift bag at close to the entrance, and they had designer bags in them. The woman who owned the house and was very particularly fond of designer hand bags and for some reason I was told to get out to take one of them and walk out. So I grabbed the bag and my brother was somehow already in the car at the front. I grabbed the hand bag and goodie bag, threw on a pair of sunglasses and walked out of the very opulent house and into the car. I put the seatbelt on and peeled out with my brother in the passenger seat. I called my mom and apologized about breaking the car and being late and just straight up relaying all of what happened in the house while driving in what looks like to be a European country now (like mid-morning). My mom was saying something as was my brother but I woke up before I could figure out what it was. There was loads of weird shit that happened before the car careening backwards, but I don’t remember the details. Very vivid dream, I felt my stomach drop when the car went back and aggressively trying to breath in some air, knowing full well if we hit water I’m basically dead because idk how to swim lol.