Fighting Surrender, T-Rex, Shooter Video Game followed by Classmates and an Explosion...

Date: 8/19/2020

By AJacobs

Oh boy... what a dream(s) Earliest, I think it was a museum and stuff, my dad was with me. This museum area had a center hallway with like a model of the place and little model planes and stuff. I wanted to go to the space part at this tower, but loitered in this middle area, looking at the models and maps of the place in full. There was this few story tall tower and side building (1 story) with an underground complex connected, it was in the middle of nowhere, some roads way out to one side, also some big... farm buildings way out. Now/later there was maybe like a tour or training, but then we were betrayed. We fought the security. Then we went back up the tower. I was there... in a 3rd story room, with an M9 Baretta (pistol), with... I can't remember his name, an old musician friend from high school. We were laying down here and a hostile appeared at the door, one of us shot him. Then though I think I looked out the windows and could see there was no way out. So we went down to surrender, I left my M9 next to my sleeping bag. We got downstairs to the bad guys (who may have been friendly earlier). We promptly let them know we were surrendering. I told them my pistol was upstairs, my partner said something about still having a small one on him. The "bad" guys were more just amused and easygoing. I kept asking if I could go up and take my pistol with me, or if they wouldn't allow that. I was basically getting waved off and ignored. Either before the big betrayal or after this was a T-Rex that got loose. We saw it brought in, and then it broke out and rampaged and we all ran from it. Then later like this same area was being used for ROTC Training, although maybe there was an airstrip here, although that may have been there during the museum version of the place at the start. Then it was like the underground areas, but sometimes it was a game watching others do, there was lava and enemies and it looked like an early 2000's shooter (influenced because I've watched a lot of Mandalore Reviews). There were these walkways on various planes/levels above the bottom lava. On the left side up above the character's head was something, there were voices talking and this portion was like a Let's Play with a couple people talking about that platform with special boots or achievement or something on it. The player demonstrated and tried to jump to it, failed, and fell down onto broken slanted walkway bits below right above the lava. Then he platformed his way back up. Then he double jumped to the impossible area that the developers put in as a joke to tease players. They talked about how this was only possible because of modding, then proceeded to play through the area, double jumping around. I was thinking it but it wasn't explicitly stated whether they modded in double jump or just made it better. I ended up in the game world and doing stuff in that area as well (maybe I took over the player character and the Let's Players dissapeared or maybe I got another character concurrently). This led to a time with band friends from school... and ROTC... So I asked Claire if she wanted to sleep for the night in the third story tower area (from earlier), she said yes, then I got bombarded (by a friend of hers?) with questions on details and proper and stuff... Some of course commenting a boy and girl together etc. My reason for this was actually to ask Eva to sleep there so we could wake up and go running together in the morning. Though Claire also runs, only for short sub 2 mile distances, and I thought about this in-dream. But I figured it might help to make things more comfortable for Eva if she was there maybe, plus it gave "practice" with asking someone up there for the night aside from Eva. This actually might've happened before the Let's Play section, because that led into (on the right side of that giant room/level in-game) a big room (with staircase(s)?) and three parallel hallways, two connected with a third on the right side with a step up and a big wall in between (it was implied the two left ones were like a big U). I chose the middle hallway. I was looking for Eva and opened door after door (they were only on the left side), they were like practice rooms but with bunks in some, not very uniform and there were inlets sometimes with a door hard to open because stuff was in the way. I went through like six before opening one with someone's UCP Ruck in there, then I was going to knock and open doors When people started to arrive back at the stairwell (Brett first?), so I stopped and went back over there. There I found a couple groups talking, then Rachel calling back to Eva before heading to her room. Then I joined in, I don't remember what was being talked about, but at one point I said something and Eva adds something about 'that being an example of when you (myself) talk too much.' I was obviously hurt a little. Not too long later, the room I had originally come from, the lava game room opposite of the dorm/practice room hallways, was now way different. Outside the window was a dark, cold snowy landscape, dark blue sky. It was near pitch black with a little tower like a clock-tower but with swirling blue energy instead of a clock. It was pulsating and below it was a small pool/moat of blue fiery liquid like fire water. We watched it for a second, before I and others started warning people to get away behind the wall or pillar, then shortly changing my mind to get by the window (on the right side). I backed up with Eva to the open window (more like a whole wall, open to the elements, than a window). Then in some order it exploded and we jumped/fell out. Then it was slow motion falling through smoke or fog. I couldn't even see Eva in my arms, lifting her above me so I'd absorb the fall. Then after like 10 full seconds of slow motion falling, we splashed into water, coming up shortly after and getting out. The tower, or rather its remains, were like 100 feet away. Other people started conglamorating together. On the right, barren cold (snowy?) wasteland. On the left, a big pavillion like building with no sides. In front of me... a couple rows of people in lawn chairs before the remains of the tower. My dad and grandparents were among those watching. I thought briefly, wanting to be next to Eva, before walking up towards my dad to say I was okay. Then maybe I said it to my grandma, Eva was still standing alone in shock. I talked briefly with my dad if I'd seen Jerry or Bill, they were missing, Paul was here though, in a chair with my dad and grandparents. I made my way towards the tower ruins, my grandpa said something and had gotten out of his chair, I went back to say something and hug him. Then I looked briefly back at the students huddling together before running towards the tower remains. There was like a mini moat? And a circular base way too small and nothing like the tower I was just in, maybe it was the one from way before, which had the room I was planning on sleeping in (though the base was still too small, maybe it was just the middle section with staircase... still too small. There was one other guys sitting through the rubble and... lots of rice. I helped him, but all I found was batteries... AA and D batteries... Somehow this ended... I woke up... looked to my right... and saw something unusual, it looked like a white iPad sticking up from beside my bed. Then I picked up, thinking, oh, I must've gotten my cousin's iPad. But it was somehow my laptop, but it was white underneath? The scene must've become something, I remember debating or arguing or talking with people, I think about all the prior events, but I woke up... and spent an hour copying this all down onto my phone... dreams are amazing, and weird, and depressing...