Date: 9/27/2018
By livburnie
another weird dream where I had to force myself awake because it was downright crazy. I was chilling in a car with my family watching something on YouTube about a very uninformative documentary, just wasn't something that was educating me. I look up from the back of the car and see a teeny tiny mushroom cloud and a rocket blasting off into the dad said "oh cool guess they're going on another quest". at this time of life we as humans can now go on little missions to the Mars and the moon for resources, and my dad just went on one himself. then without warning, the little ship turns into a ball of flames. we all stare at it in amazement, but continue driving. we all have the same reaction - oh no, holy shit. theories are thrown around as to why it would have happened. my mom is freaking out because she said it could have been my father. the youtube video plays softly in the background. then another rocket, slightly closer, takes off and up into the sky. it lingers for a little minute in the air, then descends backwards and bursts into flames in the sky too. we stop the car. in the next 5 minutes, we end up watching as rockets and even real huge ass spaceships launch, only for them to be launching sideways into the population, or bursting into flames, or basically loud booming. my dad gets out of the car and yells we are under attack! and runs with my mom to shelter. I freeze, not being able to move because I'm so scared, but I'm telling myself to move, to run, to do something to get out of this dream. I look down at my phone and see the YouTube video, only for it to switch up on me to a live feed of some dude laughing and says "better call an ambulance". as he says that, sirens wail loudly. a huge wave of loud noises appear, but the world "ambulance" on some thick foreign accent keeps blaring now through every system possible, radio, phones, TV. that one world keeps echoing throughout the world now. I get out of the car and start having a little panic attack as rockets keep flaring through the sky, explosions are everywhere, my parents are screaming at me and everyone else is just running around crying. I tell myself to wake up, to realize this is all a dream and it's not real...when i turn around and the same figure who's voice is echoing through every system, appears suddenly very close to me and said "is this really a dream though?"and grabs my shoulder. the action of him grabbing my shoulder woke me up with like a sudden jolt and now I'm just freaking out. :)