Date: 6/17/2018
By BlackyyIzatu
I remember the dream starting somewhere on a field, it was sunny so I decided that me and some other people who were riding horses should race to the Warsaw's Town Hall. And so the race begun. Soon after we entered the city itself, the streets were narrow and there were a lot of people, they didn't mind us racing and didn't even look at us, like we didn't exist. There was a moment where I hit something and fell of my horse, I didn't want to lose the race so I ran and got under a market stand to crawl myself to the other way as I saw the Town Hall on the other side. The stand was tilted so I couldn't go further under it as the "ceiling" got lower further on, so I decided to go back while everyone laughed at me, so I could hop on my horse again and show them my riding skills, but I fell off of it another two times and then I charged over the stand making my way to the Town Hall. When I reached it, the Android Connor (from a video game "Detroit: Become Human") was standing in front of the Town Hall waiting for us, the rest arrived and we entered it. From inside it looked like an ordinary apartment building except it was very dark , like it was nighttime already. All of us went upstairs to our rooms and we wanted to organize a small party, but Connor asked me to go with him to the basement because he wanted to show me something. So he took a flashlight and we went downstairs, we were talking about something when we were walking, but I couldn't understand what we were saying. The dream ended when we turned around on on of the staircases.