
Date: 10/20/2023

By lisaoh

I was at a party and Annette approached me and said she knew I had had a 1 night stand with her husband. He told her about it. I thought about it and realized I did (in real life, this did not happen). She said she was going to tell Frank (my hubby) and I asked her not to. She said fine but I needed to tell him. I said it will tear him apart and she said I should have thought of that at the time.

AI generated interpretation Dreams about affairs often symbolize feelings of guilt, desire for something forbidden, or unresolved issues within a relationship. In your dream, the presence of Annette and her claim that you had a one-night stand with her husband represents a perceived threat to the stability of your relationship with your own husband, Frank. Annette's approach at the party reflects your anxieties about this hidden secret being revealed to your partner. This may indicate a fear of the potential consequences it could have on your relationship. The fact that Annette claimed her husband disclosed the affair to her without any prior knowledge of it in reality suggests that there may be underlying feelings of insecurity or suspicion in your waking life, perhaps related to trust or communication within your relationship. Your reluctance to have Annette tell your husband about the affair demonstrates a desire to keep the truth hidden, possibly because you fear it would cause significant damage to your relationship with Frank. This might suggest that you are avoiding addressing certain issues or confronting the consequences of your actions. Annette's response that you should have considered the potential harm to your husband at the time could indicate feelings of regret or remorse in your waking life. Overall, this dream highlights the presence of emotional conflicts and the need for open communication and honesty within your relationship. It is essential to address any underlying issues and fears that may be affecting your bond in order to foster trust, understanding, and growth between you and your partner.