Weather Hazard

Date: 3/31/2019

By Luke_V

It was very dark and gloomy and there were tornadoes everywhere and cob webs. My friend from school and my other friend from my primary school were helping with these weather issues, helping the people. But my friend from primary school derron, was the real expert in weather and climate. There were multiple people helping with the tornadoes. There would be cob webs wrapping themselves around people and we would have to free them. However there was this big tornado. We had to evacuate the area so my friend took a jet and flew up high into the sky and we parachuted back down, for some reason there was confetti in the air as we were landing back down. Derron told me and my other friend to cut the cob webs that was trapping people. So we went around doing that, but everything we came back to check on the people the would just be there, casually talking and the webs would start back forming around them. I realized that this was the case for everyone, they all just talked to eachother casually and they didn’t even seem to take note of the weather situations that was happening around them, all the tornadoes and stuff. I don’t know what this dream means 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️