going to the theater

Date: 12/6/2016

By popcorngoo

I had a dream that I was actually attractive. Lol. In this dream my dad and brother were both home. (They're in different places for work irl) and we had a new puppy!! I didn't really get to play with this puppy because my dad (who I dislike immensely) was aaaaall over this pup to the point I couldn't really get close because he would swoop in and pick it up or something. Anyway. My boyfriend came over to pick me up. We went to some theater? And idk if it was a school play or a movie or what. But there were these groups of people from our high school (we are both adults now irl) who would come in. They were like cliques. Like the popular ones. The jocks. The cheerleaders. Whatever. We were trying to find a spot to sit but there a lot of the open places were by the mean popular groups. My bf found us some seats though. I remember we did have some ppl laugh at us or gossip about us but I think I kinda just gave em the middle finger. The show was about to start when this group of girls who were all part of the dance team at my school came in wearing their matching sparkly outfits. There were like 15 of em and they sat in one long row. Their group kinda intersected with us by one girl. She would have to choose to sit by herself in the next row over or sit on the opposite side of us in the same row. She chose however to sit in ME. And I lost my shit. I was like excuse me? I'm sitting here. And she just kinda ignored me, talking with her friends. I said EXCUSE ME. MOVE YOUR FAT ASS UP OUT OF MY LAP CUZ IM GOD DAMN SITTING HERE. Lol. I was pissed. And then she looked at me. She just looked cuz she didn't think I would have the balls to stand up to her (cuz she's popular). And I said again, "look if u had asked us nicely to move so u could sit with your friends we would have. But you just sat right on top of me. Who the fuck does that!? Now you better the get the fuck off before I throw your ass off." And she got off pretty quickly and sat as far from us as she could. My bf however said something that threw me off. He said that he thought they were actually trying to be my friend, and that I was rude to them. I was shocked by this and felt bad now. And I did go back up and apologize to her later. But that's my dream!