Pet Care

Date: 7/2/2019

By aubs814

My friends (their names are Cindy and Josh) had me take care of their dogs and apparently 4 birds to take care of too (I never knew about their birds before). While I was tending to the dogs, it felt like there was an annoying fly or mosquito or some bug kept buzzing around my head and flying into my ear and it was just really annoying, so I kept smacking it with my hand against something to kill it, as you do. But then I saw 3 more of these giant things just moving around the house. I had so many ways of killing them. I stabbed one with a fork, I smushed one between my fingers, and the last one my friend caught it by the wing under her foot so I had her smash it with her shoe. We killed those stupid things. But then you know what I realized? Those 4 were the 4 birds that I had to take care of. I was like, "......... shit.........." Next thing you know, I was at a party with the family, and I know I had to tell them that I had murdered their birds, but I didnt know how to. I was scared of Cindy's reaction the most, so I went downstairs and texted Josh, "Josh, meet me downstairs by the stove, I need to tell you something" and he showed up a couple minutes later, so I told him and he didn't really care. So then I asked how I was supposed to tell Cindy without her getting super mad at me and he just told me to tell her normally, and it'd be fine. So I think I did, and then the scene changed to me in a pool racing someone in the 100 free, and we tied lol