Fantasy World Real Estate

Date: 12/27/2019

By Keraniwolf

This dream, as the title implies, takes place in a partially-modern fantasy world. It has modern-style architecture and tech and fashion and the like, but it also has fantasy elements like magical monsters and medieval-age weapons and an adventurer's guild. What's interesting about the guild in particular is that it's also merged with a realtor's guild. There's a special rewards system in place so that realtors are encouraged to also be adventurers -- to help contribute to clearing adventurer quest boards and exterminating threats. For every x number of quests they complete (I'm not sure if it's just 1 or if they have to do more? If I write it into a story at any point, it'll have to be more than 1 or else things will be too easy), they're allowed to officially claim a plot of land -- they choose where and in what shape, but I think the size is pre-determined -- to be exclusively managed by the individual realtor/adventurer themself. For every monster they defeat once the space is claimed, they get to make a single modification to the lot such has having 1 tree cut down (if it's in the way) or having 1 tree planted/transplanted (if it makes the lot more appealing) or getting the foundation for a fountain installed or other things you'd do before you begin building an actual house. I vaguely remember several of these realtors having a meeting at a fancy house in a swamp. Their guild leader apparently owns this house, with its fancy high tech doors and durable glass windows and modern architectural design. She's the kind of woman who smiles a lot, and has very well-kept, fluffy, wavy, golden blonde hair that goes down almost to her waist. She wears skinny dresses and professional-looking heels, but somehow looks totally comfortable in the dark and treacherous swamp. She looks like the kind of person who could easily take care of herself, no matter what shows up. She guides her guild members out onto the patio and gives them some kind of speech. I think it's a breakdown of how many lots and lot edits she can afford to provide them for the time being, and a promise of speedy edits for successful monster hunts. The guild members are happy with whatever she has to say, either way, and seem fired up to go out into the field. A girl with much shorter and somewhat paler blonde hair goes out into marshy kind of forest somewhat near the swamp. It's the kind of forest where clusters of dead trees and moist soil make the place seem haunted or abandoned. Still, she's already claimed a lot and has plans for how she's going to make it into a desirable place to live -- I'm pretty sure her aim is to sell the home to a witch, once it's built. True to its appearance, however, the "haunted" forest has plenty of monsters. She defeats one and clears a dead tree from her lot. She defeats another, with more trouble this time, and while she's catching her breath she realizes that the tree she chose was outside of her lot. It takes her a minute to pull herself back together and decide where she actually needs to have things removed next. She intends to clear out all the dead trees and replant conifers in front of the entrance to a cave that's also technically connected to the lot itself: making a veil of evergreen trees to obscure the entrance year-round so that only the client she eventually sells to (and the guild, since they'll be planting the veil in the first place) will know there's a bonus area to use behind the actual house. Like a free storage shed. She just has to decide whether to prioritize the planting or the clearing away of dead trees. She worries over it for awhile, until she sees a realtor's guild helicopter overhead and hears sounds of monsters stirring. In the end, she shrugs and calls the helicopter to cut down a dead tree close to the cave. Better to start with a clean slate first. She has plenty of fodder to fuel both her plans for this place. She turns to the deeper part of the woods and goes forth in search of more monsters to slay.