
Date: 11/3/2016

By groovyalig

I dreamt i was at a corner store, sort of like a chinese restaurant/ cafe for some reason. it began to rain heavily and the store was flooding. I decided to lock the dorrs to stop the rain from getting in. i look outside and a man is walking by in a trench coat. i just locked the door but the owner unlocked it and let the man in. he seemed threatening as he walked in and sat down. he was facing towards the window looking out as he sat on a little diner stool. i snuck up behind him and shot him . once i realozed i just killed someone i tucked the gun in my underwear to keep it hidden and i tried to run away. then as i ran the gun fired in my pants but no bullets flew. it just went off twice then i woke up around 1:30 am.