It's dangerous to do volunteer work/the love triangle/I have to eat with a green scarf so I don't choke???

Date: 12/14/2019

By pinkstar16121

I remember putting oatmeal in this plastic baggie. I was with this group of people and I particularly remember an elderly man like in his 70's. Everyone else had oatmeal. I don't think he did though, and there was this woman who was like the leader of the group and she wanted us all to think of a way we could volunteer. I wanted to give my oatmeal to a homeless person, and for some reason, I had to write something on the bag so it could officially be for a homeless person, but I don't think I did and just ended up putting it in this bowl, which everyone else's oatmeal was in. It was all just a thought though. I never went and gave away the oatmeal. The elderly man was going to go out and there was talk of him going without a gun, which I guess you needed to be safe, and everyone was worried for his safety. He was actually going to be going out into the woods, but I got the vibe that in this dream world, it was just generally unsafe to go out to volunteer without a weapon. Then, I was with these other people. This girl had a boyfriend, but she was in love with someone else. He didn't know she was though. He wrote her a hand written message on this big poster paper that covered the whole table where they sat. Where she sat, the message was upside down so she couldn't read what it said, but to her it looked like he was confessing to her that he no longer loved her of which she was relieved because she loved someone else, so she wouldn't be breaking his heart, but it was actually the opposite of what he wrote. I could see that, although I forgot what was written, and I felt suspense rise when she would go over and see what it actually said, which she finally did, but it was kind of anticlimactic. I learned of how she met each guy. I think they knew each other. I saw their faces, which looked similar, then they turned into drawings. Later on in the dream in a new scene, I referred to that as a book I'd read. I was in this class, and for some reason telling them about it because I think I felt it related to the lesson, but I went on this long tangent, feeling like I was wasting time and embarrassed. We had to take a test, so I was taking up time. There was then suddenly this group of choir singers up on this higher level above us singing. I sang along with them. The last part I remember is going to a few places, and my aunt was there with me, and in one scene that I clearly remember I was with my uncle and his wife, but throughout those scenes, apparently I was having some kind of problem with eating/swallowing my food, so I had to keep this green Infiniti scarf with me to keep myself from choking, as well as sit in a leaned forward position. My aunt made sure/reminded me that I needed to do these things. It was temporary, and I remember asking her after having done it a couple times if I still had to do it because I just wanted to be able to stop eating like this, but she said yes, I had to. I ate a salmon (salmon like in sushi) and salami sandwich. I tore off a piece the salmon, which was a large chunk of what was in the sandwich, and I felt like it was too much in my mouth. I wanted to spit it out. I think I did eventually. Then, I was talking to my uncle. He asked me how my job search was going. I told him it was good, and that I had a feeling I'd get hired soon. Then, it was like I just noticed his wife who I actually am going to talk to irl because she works at the company I applied to. I wanted to tell them about the job, but I couldn't get a word in because they were now talking. I woke up with the song Dance for Me stuck in my head because I was watching a Tik Tok last night of a girl singing it. The song that goes "dance for me, dance for me, dance for me ayyy. Move for me, move for me, move for me ayyy."