Date: 8/23/2017
By TheNagual
Me and father looked outside the window of mothers house in the dark during the night. There was a massive rain and lighting storm. I told him to look out at the lightning that was coming down as fast as the rain, a remarkable sight. We looked closer and saw that the lightning was actually just the new fluorescent lighting for the city. This felt relieving to witness, the reduction of energy. Then there was a clear and surrounding voice. An Alien spoke for a tribe of large headed grey aliens. It said how they still waited for father. I witnessed and felt their activities, they were playing simple activities with blocks. They were cyborg creatures and practiced and generated emotions; feelings of joy and energy. There was a waterfall and my group of people were trying to get down. I was a woman and messed up trying to stop the water flow and only caused more water to leak faster. In a quick decision I leaped down into the Falls and into a small hole which was a small volcano. A man jumped down with me and rescued me, we lied burnt and exhausted on the ground.