The 7 Tests Of Horror 👻 and Curiosity 😕 PART 1- (Has 4 Tests)

Date: 10/10/2019

By CalMehJuly

I was in my bedroom. The lights were off. I saw a circle of light and a shadow. The circle of light would change its location and shape sometimes. The first test was to UNDERSTAND what was going on. I finally got to sleep I thought to myself (check down below on the notes to understand). I was lucid. Calm down and relax and be postive not negative I told myself. I saw objects and animals of shadows. Like if I said cat there would be a shadow of a cat. I'm teleported to this grey room with brown shelves and a rectangle table. I'm alone. There are lights on. I say other words like a clown. A clown came alive and killed something. I saw objects on the shelves and table. I saw Thanos's gauntlet. Its from Avengers. picture a golden gauntlet with different color gems on each knuckle. My second test was similar. The whole in the dark room with a shadow and circle of light etc. But this time whatever I thought came as a shadow. I was thinking hey is it doing what I'm thinking. I tested it out by thinking truck it worked. I was right. I was teleported to the same room of grey. I thought of a girl or something and oh boy I was wrong. The girl tried killing me. I stabbed her with this grey metal stick with a red ball at the end of it. I was struggling but won in the end. Stabbing her body and head constantly to be sure she was dead. I was thinking how I shouldve thought of a clown that kills anyone that hurts me but killing her was ok too. Also I thought of using the gauntlet but I didnt sadly. The third test was to catch a brown slug that was rectangleand was crawling around in my dark room. I was freaking out and jumped around. I tried SEVERAL times to jump out of my window to fly awaym but I got teleported back to my bed. It was like a loop until I gave up and did the goal. The woman who was telling me about this stuff told me I could get help. My door open and I asked my brother and mom for help. My mom laid in my bed calm whereas I was freaking out. My brother I dont know what he was doing. In the end I failed. I couldnt find that slimy bug. The fourth test was to run away from this woman who was trying to kill me. She tried to get in my house. While she was doing this I went to my back door to exit and drive my mom's car or dad's . I forgot. I drove and was afraid. I didnt know what lane was which and was scared she was going to catch me or a police will. A line of cars had stopped. I saw my gym teacher irl one named Mr.O. He was like a car stopper or whatever. No matter the road was closed. That led to my 5th test... Will be in Part 2 since I'm super tired right now to finish it. I'll post it in a bit. Dont worry! Just click on my proflie to check if I did it or not ITS GOING TO BE CALLED PART 2 thanks