Date: 4/15/2020
By screamingrats
I was back at my childhood house in Arizona but modern day me with all of my pets. I lived in my old bedroom but it was severely haunted. The door felt like someone with immense strength was holding it. N my dream it said that you need 47 Liters of pressure to open the door or unlock the locks. Before any of that started I was with Sam and we were grabbing alcohol free beers. Heinikan brand. I went home to grab something and ran into Ashley. She was the only other one home besides me and my pets. She was there when the doors kept slamming shut and was half assed trying to help. She seemed concerned but complacent. I kept asking her to take me somewhere out of the house and she was willing but I had to gather my things and try to gather my pets. The slamming bedroom door kept trying to separate me from my pets. I remember my dream cutting to me being in a group of about 5 teens at a door in a cave area. Same note of 47 liters of pressure. I think I opened the cabinet/door/whatever and when I did there was a noose and a note or voice saying it's for the one in black. It was the oldest looking teen, he was wearing a plain black tee and black shorts. He took a step back and then a shadow of a semi figure focused on the hands appeared on the wall in front of him appearing to try and push him it down. The sudden movement and poltergeist behavior scared the shit out of the teen and he fell to the ground. I think after fighting my bedroom for so long I made it into the car with Ashley but I'm unsure.