Digital art, A person experiences their first lucid dream, where they discover they have the powers of Superman and fly through the air after accidentally causing their friend to fall off a roof.

First proper Lucid Dream!

Date: 12/29/2016

By SwaggyBoy9

This was my first lucid dream ever, I'll keep it simple. I dreamt that I had the powers of superman. It started when I was on top of the pridham roof at my school, I was with Oliver and I don't know what happened, I was afraid of heights and I got dizzy and accidentally made Oliver fall off then I fell off myself. But when I hit the ground and didn't feel much, I then flew! This is when I realised my powers. So basically, how I knew this dream was lucid was when I was about to run somewhere with superspeed but then I remembered the reality checks and I did one on my hand with the thumb touching fingers one. Everything became so much clearer! My thumb was as clear as it was in real life! All the blur was gone and I could see clearly. So everytime I was about to wake up, I could tell somehow, not sure how, but when I was about to wake up, I had to do another reality check and tell myself "this is a dream" and I would stay inside that dream! Then I Woke Up. There was a lot more in the dream like the part where there were giant spiders in my house and the fun obstacle course wipeout thing, but you get the jist... I just had my first lucid dream!