Date: 1/5/2018
By SwaggyBoy9
I had a dream I was at this concert with big time rush. James was singing on the stage and I saw Logan and Kendall right next to me so I approached them! I asked Logan if I could get a picture with him and I did! I was so hyped to put that one on the gram. But then I saw Kendall and I knew I had to get a picture with both of them so I asked them again. They didn't seem to mind but Kendall was a bit hesitant. I eventually got a really good one! But for some stupid reason it didn't save and that ticked me off. I had to bother them to get another picture and this time you could tell they were getting a bit annoyed. I remember after that we were all hanging out somewhere, a few of my friends and all of btr. We were hanging out playing some game and I was still trying to get that picture. At this point, I could really see Kendall getting annoyed of me. Then I realized that this whole time I've been so busy trying to make a memory, that I forgot to be in the moment! I was there with the band, and I could have had a good time but I decided to chase a memory rather than actually enjoy the moment that was there. I then woke up, and I don't think I got the picture either.