Nocte the Knight & Tenebris of the Night

Date: 9/5/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

Nocte and Tenebris are actually "close friends" of mine. When I was younger, I didn't think I would be one to have imaginary friends, but I did. They were elements of Earth and the Universe around me, and they were basically the humanized characters of these elements with their Latin names. I knew a lot of them, and therefore, I had a lot of friends. Two of them, Nocte and Tenebris, appeared in my dream in a medieval time, having to help me escape as I foreseen a prophecy. I woke up and did my usually morning routine, up to a point I began watering my plants. My window was open and kids were happily playing outside as the newborn autumn breeze flowed its way onto my face and into my room. At this point, I knew I was dreaming, due to the weather (it's still too dang hot here) and the street looking different, but I decided to let the dream play out and see where it'll take me. My vision was blurred and soon swallowed by bright white light. I soon saw the events play out: A young man with obsidian-like armor and a sharp sword of asteroid and stardust swinging in slow-motion at a giant dark creature with wings with an older man covered in rags of shadows and thick black smoke, conjuring up a thick layer of that shadowed smoke around them and the creature with his own hands, making the day sky look like night as they fought on an open, empty field. I blinked back into my room, catching myself and noticing I poured too much water in one of my plants. Quickly, I began draining them through the open window. (Even though my window originally came with a screen protector, but whatever, as long as I can save my plants.) Feeling content of quickly saving my plant and the feeling of the crisp, cool autumn breeze onto my skin, I lied back down in bed and let the morning sunlight shine over me, making me feel drowsy and relaxed as I dose right off to sleep. I then woke up to a man. Pale skin and black hair and glowing silver eyes, and they stared at me. "The child of Tellus and Caelus awakens." He announced as he continued to stare at me. "Is that so?" Another voice grumbled, deep and rumbling, filled of ash and shadows. The young man turned away from me. "I don't recall the child being a girl." "Not comfortable around girls?" Exclaiming in stammers, the man loudly said he's completely comfortable around girls, yelling across the small dark room. Almost sounding annoyed, the older man grumbled as he shook his head and told the younger man to lower his tone as he began to stand from a wooden chair. He walked over to the bed I lied on, towering and staring over me with darkness completely shadowing over his face. I glanced down to see a low trail of black shadowed smoke disappearing from where he was until they all just gathered like a thick fog underneath his long black raggy robes. I realized my "friends," Nocte and Tenebris, were real, standing right in front of me. And I concluded that this was all a dream, that I was dreaming, that they weren't actually real. I stared at them in confusion. Then, there was a sudden faint crash, sounding almost nearby. There was heavy metal clanging in synchronization, making the wooden floor shake. They looked at each other, Nocte looking more bewildered. "Master! They're here!" Nocte exclaimed into a harsh whisper. Tenebris nodded, saying bluntly that he wouldn't be surprised since that I was one of the children of Tellus and Caelus. He exchanged glances at me and Nocte, instructing him to carry me. Confused, Nocte asked why, exclaiming a bit as Tenebris rose a hand and opened it slowly, creating a portal of black-purple shadows and smoke, strictly repeating himself to make haste as the metal noises got louder. Swiftly but still puzzled, Nocte lifted me up and carried me, hiding over to the portal and stepped through after Tenebris did, disappearing in time away from some knights, red creatures in black armor. We appeared in this abandoned castle, dark and murky with very little light that only came from cracks of the walls and ceilings. In a corner behind a crumbling thick some wall v, Nocte set me down as he stretched, looking around and saying how sad it was to see this place being left and forgotten. After taking a clean visual sweep around the surroundings, Tenebris nodded and told Nocte to come forth to discuss some private matters with him. And even though he didn't want to talk, Nocte obeyed to his call and made his way to him quickly. As they talked, I looked around, finding some children's drawings on the ground on my right. There were multiple drawings of Nocte and Tenebris and other people of this universe, bits and pieces of the vision I saw earlier, dirt and almost faded from their colors. I was going to call for them to ask what was exactly going on, until something shiny caught my eye. A blue orb, made of glass and crystal, is shining brightly as it rolled its way towards me, smoothly over the dirt and grass. I picked it up, shocked of how heavy and cold it actually was. It was tiny, smaller than the palm of my hand, and it chilled my very nerves just by looking at it. Soon, there was a loud crash as the same red creatures in their black armor stormed in after breaking down the door that Nocte and Tenebris blocked with a rather large piece of rubble from a wall. The knights surrounded and pointed their sharp spears at them as a tall, menacing person in a more terrifying yet extravagant black armor walked up to them with a sword in hand. I peaked from behind the thick stone wall, staring at the scary person and their sword. It was large, sharp, and dark-grey, made of asteroid and stardust. The sword and the armor was what I saw in my vision. "Where is the child of Tellus and Caelus?!" The person roared in frustration, revealing himself as a man. "We don't know what you're talking about!" Nocte rolled his eyes. The man stepped forward, suddenly raising the tip of his sword up to Nocte's throat, making a tiny cut. "Silence! You may be Lady Luna's first born, but it doesn't give you the right to raise your voice at me." The man snapped. His voice became more stern as he repeated the question more slowly and loudly. "You know Their Children are of Inner Heaven." Tenebris said, making the angry man turn to him. He further explained that they were gods and asked why would they even set foot on human soil. Even more angry, the man then pointed the sword at Tenebris, and Nocte tried to stop him but got held back by many sharp spears so quickly before he could take a step. "Don't lecture me, old man! You know I'm referring to Their Mortal Child, the one of true beauty! Hair of the Universe and his secrets and skin of the very Earth herself, and the power to destroy everything and anything with just a flick of their finger..." He stepped closer, poking Tenebris with the sword more. "Now tell me, where is the Mortal Child?" Tenebris was whispering now, something like they're going to have to search someone else. And with a scoff, the man nodded at the knights, and they backed away from Tenebris only. The man admittedly said that he liked this old man's moxy before raising the sword up. "I prefer slaying the boy here, but since I can't touch him, you will have to do." I blinked, and in a flash, I was between them, shocking now only myself but everyone else. Wind blew onto them, but not into me as not a part of me, not even my hair budged as I stood still. I noticed my body feeling limp, the statics going through my legs and my arms. I felt the motion sickness kicking in. I was waking up. Then, I heard my name. I turned around to see Tenebris and Nocte looking so shocked. Everything behind them was shattering. I struggled to keep myself awake, taking calm breaths and turned to face the armored man. Even though the helmet was thick, I could tell the man stared back at me. "The Mortal Child..." He breathed in awe. He stepped forward, reaching over for me. Wincing, I flinched away and I heard an electric shock and the man exclaiming loudly. I whipped my head back up to see the man shaking his hand and staring at me. He attempted to reach for me again, but he failed as I watched a blue forcefield surrounding me and giving him an electric blue shock. The air shifted to where it merely gave him a nudge, pushing him a few feet away from me. Seeing as it was my chance, I grabbed Nocte and Tenebris and ran out of the castle, into some halls and out of the yard into the woods. I could hear the man and the knights trying to catch up, and somewhat terrified, I shut my eyes. When I opened them again, we were... in space? It looked like we were walking on galaxies, for there was stars and planets and suns and moons. Then, there were white markings on the ground, the walls, the ceiling, looking like the symbols for runes or a foreign language. We stood in the middle of a white circle, with a star inside it and other smaller markings and symbols. "Where are we?" Nocte asked, sounding just as confused as me. Tenebris shook his head as he looked around. His eyes landed on me, and he inspected me. Not knowing the answer myself, I shrugged. He gave another few looks around the place. "Perhaps we'll know, in time. I believe it's best to not one for now." Nocte looked back at me with a large smile. He explained how awesome I was back there and those cool powers I did up against Daemon and his men. Daemon was the son of the Dark World's ruler, Diabolus, and one of the main "villains" of my imaginary friends. It was just weird how realistic he looked, just standing in front of me, looking more terrifying than I imagined him. We made our way through halls of more galaxies, seeing more of those orbs in various color schemes of blue and black scattered upon the floor. There was only one path to follow, and we followed it until we reached a dead end. Tenebris then decided to create a portal, and after he did, he turned to me, nodding and thanking for rescuing them earlier. I nodded back. He turned to Nocte. "Let's go." Nocte was confused. "What about-" "Her journey ends for now. She doesn't need us anymore. Not yet." Tenebris gave me a farewell smile. Urging Nocte to follow so he can return him back to his mother and his kingdom, Tenebris stepped through the portal. Nocte gave me one final look as he stepped into the portal, the shadows and smoke dispersing sorely. "What will happen to you?" He asked, almost sounding sad. I have gave him a reassuring smile. "I will wake up." And I did.