Date: 9/9/2016
By jooquialda
It was night, and I saw a family of 4 going on a trip . I tagged along with them and on the road, we saw a big tree with flowers growing on every part of the tree.( It was an everlasting flower , the brown/yellowish flower which they say doesnt wilt.) They grew from every inch of the trees bark down to the very last stem. They grew abbundantly that many of them fell to the ground. I decided to put a handful of them inside my folded umbrella. At the bus station , it's still dark. A young man complained of a foul odor coming from the daughter of the family im with. Turns out she also brought some flowers and they stank like corpses. People said they wont allow us on the bus if we carry that stench. I opened my umbrella to quickly throw the flowers, and as I opened it, the stank permeates the air. Weird because I can really smell it in my dreams.