Rocket launch

Date: 2/17/2021

By Caophi

Signed some papers at a doctors office. Lady behind the counter was an African American physician. The office was set in a high rise in a futuristic Minneapolis. For some reason the buildings looked old and dirty and had a dystopia vibe to it. Ran towards downtown to send an important package up to a rocket ship that was about to launch. Got very close and threw some type of flying saucer disk that flew its way up into the rocket just as it was blasting off. Watched as it left the atmosphere, looked insane. There were crowds and crowds of people very close by watching and celebrating. We were all close to blast off zone, I’m talking like 500 feet. The rocket technology was safe and did not have a huge blast that would otherwise melt all of us. I was in some family’s backyard as I watched the launch and their daughter notices that I was the one that secured the package to the ship and she points me out. I hold my fist up in victory. Crowds of people start to swarm me, and I wake up.