Protecting Radioactive Material from Supervillains

Date: 12/6/2019

By fluffytree

It's been eons since I posted but I haven't been dreaming or remembering my dreams until recently. In this first one I found myself at some random couple's home during the night although it felt like I kinda knew the guy and had maybe been there once before in a past dream. I had this feeling that sometimes he'd let me borrow his truck and so I was in his garage getting ready to do just that. Suddenly I notice one of his tires is flat so I assume I did that. So now I'm freaking out thinking how do I fix this cos I didn't want him pissed at me even though it's only a flat tire. I somehow hoist the truck up in the air and it's suspended by wires in order to get a better look. Also it's got a semi trailer on the back too that I have to worry about. I have no idea how to unhook it so I can change the tire. Eventually the guy comes in to say hi and talk to me for a bit. He must've just gotten up cos he didn't notice anything wrong and I didn't have the heart to tell him what was going on either. He left to go to the kitchen and his wife now comes in to offer me something to eat and to ask me what I'm doing. Can't remember if I told her about the flat or not but I did investigate the trailer to surprisingly find a few barrels of radioactive material inside. I don't know exactly what but it had the radioactive hazard symbol on the sides. Suddenly the truck and trailer are parked on the street outside and these two women attack me to try and get to the barrels. They're dressed like comic book supervillains, one in a red robe of some sort and the other in green. Honestly I thought they looked like the type of villainess' you'd see in the new TMNT cartoon. I tried fighting them off as best I could but it was tough. So then Black Lightning and Thunder show up to help me out and it turns into a flashy superhero brawl. The girl in red ends up getting past me and opens up one of the barrels. Of course it's filled with a glowing green liquid as is standard for anything that's radioactive or toxic in comic books, and then she adds something from a vial in her hand that turns it a sparkling white plasma. I somehow realize that they've been sent here to not only steal the material but weaponize it as well. I try to stop her but she splashes some of the stuff on me which instantly sets my arm into a white blaze of fire and begins to slowly burn through my clothes. I escape and thankfully there's a river nearby that I dump my arm into to neutralize it. I'm not even thinking about the fact that I've just been exposed to possibly deadly radiation and now burned by it as well. Black Lightning and Thunder end up overpowering them and driving them off before they could steal the material but we know we have to hide this stuff before they or others come back for it since it's already in a weaponized state. The dream changed and I was at my job although it was a completely different building and office. I seemed to still work at a front desk but it was inside what looked like the cafeteria of the place so I'm really not sure what my job entailed. I feel like I've definitely worked here before in past dreams though cos there's this morning shift food service girl who comes in everyday that I see. It's the same thing everytime where she walks my way and turns right to go to the kitchen where she's stationed. Sometimes she'll say hi or wave and that's it. But this time for the first time she comes up to the window which shocks me. "Hey how you doing?" I robotically say. She looks at me with a slight smile to say, "Really?" as if to ask why I'm being so formal with her like I don't know her. But I didn't really know her that well though. Maybe she'd seen me here plenty of times in other dreams and I just didn't remember. But I knew she'd forgotten her keys and began to look around for the spares to give her. I found them and gave them to her and that's when I realized that I did recognize her face. She's Adrianna, a girl I used to work with irl, and so that's why she's surprised that I wasn't more familiar with her. A few minutes later her coworker comes in and I immediately recognize that it's the same girl in green from last night who attacked me along with the girl in red. The one in red wore a mask to cover her face while the other one didn't. So now I'm wondering if Adrianna is secretly the one in red... But she's so nice and down-to-earth to where I can't imagine her doing something like that but then again she did get fired from my real life job over some situation where she was accused of trying to keep some money she'd found in a named envelope in the building for herself. And that does count as stealing if you work in the place so who knows... I never figure it out for sure though cos I woke up at that moment.