I was Elsa???????

Date: 2/24/2019

By mydreamsdefineme

It started with my friend Nora and I running towards a football stadium and bleachers (and I guess I had powers like Elsa) I jumped in the air, expecting ice and wind to boost my jump only for me to fall back down. My friend , Nora,looked concerned because she knew I had these powers, I checked my arm (I guess my arm had a battery limit type thing to tell if I’m using my power too much) and the bar said 2% “What the fuck?” I said to her and she was just as confused as I was. !! Next scene!! We were at an abandoned multi storied building and it was me , nora, and a new friend were running up the stairs fast. My friends were yelling “WHERE IS HE?!! I JUST SAW HIM” that’s when I saw a orange furry (LMFAO DONT ASK!!) I yelled “HES BEHIND US!” My friend nora threw a nice which landing in the furrys chest , we ran toward it putting another knife it it’s throat demanding it to tell us more information , and it did and then we killed it We then walked across the street to a town in the forest. When we arrived we saw buckets of red liquid and tubes hooked up to random people. There was a way bigger bucket in the thAt was a really really light blue , we all stopped in our tracks (I guess was my powers drained into a Bucket) We approached the weird convention A dude in red clothing noticed us and said “ah I’m glad you made it! Just in time” In short summary , we fought him, killed everyone involved and i got my powers back When I got my powers back I froze the entire town