Digital art, In a bustling supermarket, a forgetful individual suddenly recalls the importance of social distancing during the pandemic, dropping their grocery items and hastily covering their face while observing oblivious strangers crossing their path.

Forgetful Social Distancing

Date: 4/19/2020

By nateplusplus

I’ve been bad at remembering dreams lately, but I’ve had a recurring dream where I’m in a crowd and suddenly remember the pandemic. Last night I dreamt that I was in a supermarket when it happened. I was just going about my normal shopping routine surrounded by others and as they got closer it dawned on me – we are way too close! I need 6 ft distance! I dropped what I was grabbing, covered my mouth and nose with my shirt and walked quickly away. As I walked, random strangers kept crossing my path, seemingly unknowing of the pandemic. That’s all I can remember today.