Insecurities and psychology

Date: 10/26/2016

By Cohbria

I was still dating my ex. An ex that I never want to be with again. I got a new neighbor. I assumed it was a teacher of sorts because of the random decorations around the area. I'm outside one day and I meet her. The woman that moved in was my ex's ex. One that I had jealous of when I was dating my ex. She said she started teaching preschoolers. I couldn't listen to a word that she said. I was distracted by her shirt. It was a little big for her, it was a cold shoulder style shirt. It was sheer and had a black tank top attached underneath. There was a peacock feather print on the front. I knew the shirt was mine. Ideas swirled in my head of how she got it. We said goodbye. I went and confronted my ex. I accused him of cheating on me and getting back with her. She was wearing my shirt, where did she get it?! I got no answer. There was a jump in the dream. I'm at my office people talking about a game going on tonight. A woman comes and I act as admin for her. She is worried about something. Fast forward to the game. A father is freaking out. He had lost his child and he thinks the kidnapper was at the game. The dad found his target, mimicked him. The target goes outside and the dad follows. Anger rising. They go through the parking lot and the target gets on a motorcycle, has trouble starting it. The dad is closing the ground between them. He is stopped by a group of friends that go to the target. The friends and the target explain that it is some kind of psychology thing. He has fixated on a recent idea or person. The target had just come back to work. The dad perverted the information and made him a kidnapper in his mind. Everyone starts walking back to the building from the gravel parking lot.