Paper cut out people

Date: 2/15/2021

By aflamia

I was with a lot of people that I know in a giant auditorium. We were part of a specialized car team of auto-mechanics I had a grey uniform. There were other teams in different uniforms. In the back of the auditorium the most people were paper cut outs of people from my past like Daniel peele and Amy sumner. We were to get arranged on a good mixture so each of the names of real people would be called and they would receive a piece of paper and go to an assigned seat amongst the paper cut out people mixed with real people . And I was literally the last real person to be called. There were a lot of real people that didn’t fit the qualifications to be called. They wanted me because I was tall and they wanted me to pretend to be a model. My assigned seat was way up high in a corner. When I got up there there was a short fat lady up there that forgot batteries. We were laughing and out tent got loose from the wall and we were swinging from the tent in the auditorium that was suddenly much bigger and we were trying not to hit people and we got separated and she grabbed the wall and I thought we would die.