Fucking myself with the end of a shovel turned into a club for it (and that’s only part of it)

Date: 5/26/2019

By ooflla

I was working in a garden center and found a small shovel that had a smaller end and went into a ball sized shape. I was like ooh that would be great to fuck myself with. I tried it out and it was perfect and started to move with it but I wasn’t in a private place or anything and my boss (random dude) caught me and was like !!! if I catch you doing that again...!!! And proceeded to drive his car or a forklift or something at me and I had to shovel it into the ground in the parking lot quickly to avoid him running me over. I wiped a little dirt off the top and it was buried with no indication of where. I wasn’t sure if that’s what he wanted me to do or if I had just gotten rid of it. Then I realized wait I want him to fuck me...rewind. Although it didn’t work and the order of the dream got messed up and went to something else. Now I was shopping for clothes in a store and found a few things I liked and my mom bought them all for me and I was surprised. Then we were either in the garden center or still there I can’t remember but this girl who looked like the strong girl in Runaways was trying to buy something and the clerk was this older Hispanic lady so the girl set up a translator so she could talk and it would translate it but the lady started talking in English (wtf?!). Ok now more sex dream. I was looking for things to fuck myself with again and looked at the cucumbers but they were too big. I found a big mushroom stem and tested it and it was nice although too short. Then I saw another one of the shovels so I tried again to get the shovel and succeeded in running/fast-walking really badly bc of how you kinda try to run in a nightmare or something and it doesn’t quite work and made it to a bathroom stall. I almost started fucking, then realized there was another person in the stall next to me when I looked through this square hole in the wall that was in every stall wall to see everyone... ok guess I’ll just wait then.... It was Xavier and he was wearing a basketball jersey. I realized he was stressed about the game he was in and went to think in the bathroom. I then saw his girlfriend or a girl idk outside the stall waiting. I talked to him and he said yeah, there are plenty of girls out there for me! And I’m like well more like “girl” but ok but he was already putting his arm around her and she gave me a weird judgy look and I assumed it was bc of what I said about “girl” and being awkward... although technically I still had the shovel up me. I went back to the stall and when they were gone I was like ok finally time to do this. I started and did it for a little while and then this guy was in the stall next to me with his own shovel up him and there were a couple others too next to him. He said they wanted to do that too and together and so we did in our separate stalls and it wasn’t weird at all. Actually. He kinda looked like Tao. We eventually fucked ourselves with the shovels in more places and..... idk why we didn’t just fuck each other but I guess it was just platonic lol. Meanwhile this deputy cop was after us for doing this although we were just suspected of it. He looked like the guy from Cloak and Arrow who was the failed preacher guy and he had come back to his job (but in my dream I guess he was a cop). We went to this food truck for lunch and it sold pretzels, “ice cream pick your flavor”, waffle fries (there was a picture of these/I imagined it and they had some nice rosemary and spices), and I think hot dogs. I decided to get the waffle fries and a pretzel. Meanwhile I think (not sure when this happened and it was somewhere around here, although not here probs bc the ordering part wasn’t really interrupted but anyways) the deputy was crossing the street to get to us and I was in his point of view but it was really hard to run across bc again the weird dream running. There were like 4 lanes to cross and there was only one car kinda far enough away and in the first lane to cross to go but it became close bc of the sucky running. I (the deputy) made it across. That’s it tho. Just a weird snippet. Ordering was an ordeal omg. For some reason there were 2 lines but it didn’t look that way until the front so one had to get out of line to be in the other one to order and I didn’t right away in my confusion and the girl starting taking this dude behind me’s order. She then saw me and was like oh and starting taking my order. I was like ok I want the waffle fries and...and...and...um do you think you could make it go back to the menu so I can see it? And she was a little annoyed and judgmental of me but was like sure, so I looked at it and it was in the famous names category ??? and I was thinking no I didn’t want any of this...oh right! A pretzel. That was stressful. Oh shit it’s like how I forgot what type of burrito I wanted at the Mexican restaurant yesterday and looked back at the menu for more than a few seconds to remember...anyways. Then we went to the spot to pay I think and get our food and the deputy was there and like hey!! what are you doing?? and said to the person giving them their food “there’s probably a softball in there. This was either referring to the cash they were paying the person or that there was one inside them.... Now I was at either a family gathering with the Kardashians or a modeling job at the beach idek. At the beach in the water I watched these models standing a bit tall in the water and was wondering how they did that. Then I was inside the house/fancy cabin or whatever and the Kardashians were surprising me with a cake for my birthday I think and we had walkie-talkies so I said into it a joke about it but no one responded and I was like aight. Then I tried hard to stay in my dream but I was becoming too awake to dream and decided to just wake up.