Smarmy architect ruins mature students digs.

Date: 11/7/2018

By petal

I have been working on becoming more lucid in dreams, using an personally adjusted MILD/CAT technique, as this seems to be what I do naturally anyways. It’s not really working to become very lucid. My dreams are becoming less chaotic and not waking up so much with a raised heart beat and achy eyes. I had been watching building and architecture tv so most of last night I had been building a house. I’ve been thinking particularly about the “Dutch Mountains” high rise timber construction building being built in Norway. The dream started with me thinking of lodging with two other mature students in a crappy run down cheat made shally house in the back suburbs of London somewhere like Hammersmith and Wealdstone. The fabric of the house was failing badly. It was too small for the two mature students that were living there. One of was a nice lady who was studying advance fabric and textile innovation and was in a wheelchair. They were asking me to join them in a house share. They showed me around but every room was in bad state and cold because the windows and walls had gaps in them. They wanted to let me the attic space but the roof wasn’t right. There was glass brick around the edges where the joists should have met the gables and the pitch of roof was too steep. It was cold and there wasn’t enough space. I felt sad for them because they had made the effort to paint the walls and ceiling white to try and make it presentable for me, but there was no way I was ever moving in. So they asked if I’d got any money to help sort it out. Of course I hadn’t much. But I liked these people so I started working out my meagre finances. I figured if we could buy the rubbish house next door and knock it down we would have a good sized plot to build a small new wood framed eco complex personalised for each of our needs. We could also squeeze in a few extra students units to help pay for the building costs. The ground round the corner plot wasn’t that nice because the hot summer had ruin the grass. So, It wouldn’t matter that we build over the garden if we used environmentally friendly materials and plant some of the roof or windows boxes with herbs. I worked on the plans all night in my head. I planed a nice grown floor studio for the textile lady. A light practical studio attic for me and a commercial kitchen for a male chief so he could sell food as well as cook for us. It was really pretty and practical. I had even manage to keep the sweet communal lounge area of the old place intact so we all felt cosy and some place to sit by a fire on crappy old sofas and chat. Then this egotistical highbrow smarmy architect stepped in and put in fancy ornate concrete joists and a vaulted ceiling. He thought it funny that the whole place fell down on its opening day. He had done it deliberately out of spite and laughed that our building had disappeared as quickly as our grass had in the summer. 😭 I woke up all annoy because I’d been working that dream all night and then just before I woke the horrible architect had stepped in and ruined it all. I guess the dream was telling not to let my own or others egos design my life.😳😖😤 Still f@@@ing annoying.