ancient ways to save the world

Date: 7/1/2019

By hibris

this dream was so cool, it started off with a national crisis that was going to end the world, idk what. (before that i had a zombie dream but i’m not sure if they where correlated) and guess who the people saving the world, my mom, and my sister. basically this old man talked to us about all the steps we had to take, we had special scissors to retrieve this little rainbow thing, but there was this other rainbow thing that we had to get through building and creating this 🗿 looking thing, we had to create it out of individual strands of plants, the plants had these bean looking things on them, they where each threaded individually and i remember the old man was like “before when this was done i had to teach the saviors for hours and hours” BUT WE LITERALLY HAD LIKE 2 hours to do it, so we started and we made a bunch of progress, then we took a break and when we came back it was all gone- and my mom literally did not give a fuck so it was up to me to save the world. a few details i might mention is that this had been done for centuries by other people each few years, and the place we where at, it was like a magical forest, contained some sort of magic because the pot where we were building the 🗿 thing stood by itself with a poLE in the middle that was held with the fire of candles . since it was left up to me we can safely assume the world ended...ALSO I REMEMBER SEARCHING UP HOW TO MAKE THE 🗿 AND IT CAME ALONG WITH OTHER POKÉMON TUTORIALS LMAO BUT IT WAS LIKE A “lost pokémon tutorial” because i couldn’t find anything on it.