Digital art, Generate an image of Nick Currie holding hands with Ruthie Pelkey while sharing a kiss in the middle of Lakeside Mall during Christmas shopping.

Talking to my Middle School Crush.

Date: 2/8/2018

By hailthesillynick

Okay, so I just had a dream to where my school's community got all together, and I've talked to my crush! And well, since she has some serious anger issues, she was of course yelling and screaming at me when it was her turn to say her lines as for this all happened in the mall, too. And I've said HAHAHAHAHA. Alright. Wonderful, Ruthie! 👍 that's what I like to hear there, baby! And she said: Oh my god, Nick Currie, stop that right now before I beat you up! And oh my god man, she was crying too and everything to see me again! AWWWWW!! I was toooo! So of course I was doing the thing with ❤️ and she did it too. But only in her own way though. Which is 😡 Man, I am lucky in love! Yeaaaah. That's right. Danya (pronounced DAN-yay) is more like my friend, while Ruthie on the other hand, my girlfriend! And I think I've just envisioned this moment here, too! Because I looked down and I've saw my tattoos onto me already! Meaning this here was set into my senior year after all in the Christmas shopping for Lakeside Mall. Oh god man, she (Ruthie) is just sooo beautiful, man! And yep, true: she may beat up other people, I know. But not me, though, do you wanna know why? That's because Ruthie Pelkey is my BAE, man! My fucking BAE! From Middle School, though. Or because she thinks I'm a rapist, and that if she does me, Nick Currie, as for the next person she'll beat up, I could act like as if we got married instead because of that reason. And that is true. I would tell her to stop that by means of grabbing her hand and Kiss her! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

AI generated interpretation Based on the content of your dream, it appears that you have some unresolved feelings for Ruthie, your middle school crush. Your desire to talk to her and the strong emotional reaction you had upon seeing her suggests that you may still hold some romantic feelings towards her. However, her angry and aggressive behavior towards you in the dream could indicate that there may have been some unresolved conflict or tension between the two of you in real life. The fact that you saw tattoos on yourself in the dream could represent a sense of permanence or commitment, suggesting that you may be seeking a long-term relationship or perhaps even marriage with Ruthie. The conflicting emotions of love and anger that you experienced in the dream could also point to unresolved feelings or frustrations that you are currently dealing with in your waking life. Overall, this dream may be highlighting your desire for connection and intimacy, as well as the need to resolve any past conflicts or misunderstandings with those you care about. It may be worth reflecting on these emotions and considering ways to address any unresolved feelings or issues in your relationships with others.