Date: 12/27/2019
By pinkstar16121
I found myself attracted to multiple men I saw on TV who I could tell were gay, but I just couldn't help it. Then I was in this science class taught by my Spanish teacher whose last name starts with an S irl, but the first syllable was Bach in the dream and I couldn't pronounce the whole thing. The best I got out was "Bachiato," but I knew that wasn't right, and I kept struggling to pronounce it. This new student came and he was this smart aleck. He reminded me of Edward Cullen. He talked about/suggested going to a far off town almost into the next state over from mine. He said it was the craziest ride you'd ever take. Then I was suddenly on the freeway with him where the road turned upwards on the sides. We were going abnormally fast. Then, we started driving over vehicles in front of us. I remember driving over a tractor trailer. It was in this moment that he reminded me of Edward when he was climbing trees in the forest with Bella. Both Edward and the guy in my dream defied the laws of gravity and human capabilities. I was soon back in the classroom, and I saw the teacher had marked this girl's transcript or something as "loner," which meant she had not satisfied her science requirements. I then saw mine, hoping I had, but it said "none," indicating the same thing. Then, it said "alone" instead. I realized these words meant that we had done independent work in this class and we also needed to do a lab, which was group work. I remember some brief random parts. There were these pills that looked like keys or needles with a key-like part on the top. It wasn't even a pill, but it was in the dream. My mom and cousin were in the scene and my mom said I would never be able to swallow one because it would freak me out too much because of the pointy end. My cousin was holding one and I admitted I wouldn't swallow it because I'd be afraid of getting stabbed in the throat, saying I'd been stabbed in the throat by my food before and it wasn't fun, thinking about the time I ate some pizza crust and a sharp edge hit my throat. It hurt every time I swallowed food or a beverage after that. Next part: my little sister had these hair ties that were apricot-scented. They were in my upstairs bathroom drawer for some reason. Last part: I was getting myself this thick soup of some kind out of the fridge. It was a brownish red color. There was only a little bit left, but I didn't take it all, leaving basically only a spoonful left. I heated it in the microwave and I spilled a little on the floor that I just left there at first. I was told my dad was coming to pick us up soon so I needed to be ready. I sat down and ate my soup, a few bites, then realizing I wasn't going to finish the whole thing within a couple minutes before I needed to start getting ready, so I stuck the bowl in the fridge to eat later. Then, I grabbed a paper towel, quickly wiped up the soup I spilled, and looked at the time 8:45. I wasn't told exactly how long I had, but I just said he would be here in fifteen minutes. I then got a random image of neck pillows before waking up.