Robot Takeover

Date: 2/27/2020

By SagittariusDreamer

There was obviously some technological advancements. I started the dream in a bit of an awkward position, having spawned with my friend Javi and his new girlfriend. She was working on a ship, which was orange and spherical in shape. The inside had the workings of a car, just with more options. We talked a bit, and I colored on her two lightly colored dogs' legs. They were a slight blueish color and a light tan when I had started, and the markers I used for them where high grade and colored their fur easily. Feeling awkward after a while because of some obvious jealousy between the girlfriend, I decided to just leave. It was nighttime anyways, I needed to get home. While leaving, I encounter my other friend, Dylan, and became a little sad that I spent so much time doing other things rather than talking to him. His sister offered to drive me home though, so they all went out to the car. Thing was, I wasn't sure if they went to the car or not. I went to go walk into the kitchen to see if they were in there, but two other people came out and I backed up into the living room. When I tried to leave, two older ladies and my other friend's mom appeared out of nowhere. Now, I'm African American, and these people were white, and the older ladies wanted to feel my hair. I had no qualms about it, because my hair is thick and that can be interesting to old ladies with straight hair. It was only when one of the ladies Cut a big section of my hair off did I, and my friend's mom, take offense, and she stood up for me while I stood in shock. I ended up going home after that, and helping take the dogs in the house. They kept running though, as no one was holding them while walking to the door. First the white one, then the brown one. I ended up having to run up the street to catch the brown dog, and there was this man and his toddler in its path. I meant to grab the dog, but I ended up grabbing the little girl instead while the man grabbed my dog. He was really nice about it, and we swapped our loved ones back. Not long after that, were was fireworks, and the announcement that human to robot consciousness transfer had succeeded for the first time ever in France, along with the year (which I forgot, but it was either 2020 or 2050. I was still young in the dream, so I'm not sure). It was all exciting news for many, scary for others. I was in the middle-ground of excited for technological advancements that could help society and a long life, but was also afraid because of ethics and long term effects. Though, there were other reasons to be afraid. I don't remember what happened directly after this, but there was suddenly an entire police force made of robots, kinda like that one movie with Die Atwood in the main cast. Chappie I think, but I digress. The city looked like some slightly dingy metropolitan area. There was an overlooming sense of chaos and danger everywhere just knowing that these things could kill you. People were still trying to have fun though. There was a show broadcasting oldschool puppets outside with their setup in the middle of the street. I watched for a moment as they got things ready, then left to go look at the shops around the area. Someone was selling their digital artworks. There was two ladies there, both fairly young but one younger than the other. I tried to talk, but the older lady cut me off, talking to the younger girl instead. And then once she was finished, she came over to me to talk. I told her it was funny how people can still manage to sell artwork at a time like this. She agreed and we had a little chuckle about it. After that there was some extra chaos. Javi's girlfriend from the beginning of the dream had taken her spherical airship for a test drive, and I think she may have crashed it. Other stuff happened with other people, I just don't remember what.