Date: 2/13/2020
By Kesscapade
Okay so we are playing minecraft uhc, I'm not sure who we is but it seems like a collection of mindcrack guys and i have the feeling of being with john mulaney. The others are playing in teams, I'm playing alone. We get an over view of the map like in hunger games and we all decided that it's best to get to this ice fortess as fast as possible, so it's a race to see who gets there first. I can hear the other guys talking as we start. I'm seeing the perspective of my mindcraft character, and I can feel whats going on around me. I killed a few chickens by punching them but they only drop eggs. I guess in this version of mc you can cook the eggs so I decided that was fine and went to the fortress. I get there first. I see the others coming uo behind me but I defend myself and I win the game. The game maker guy brings our cars out to us. We are in the arena in really life, but everyone is still alive. As we get in our cars to leave he tells us to be careful because there are lots of wild dogs. wild winner dogs. I'm leaving and I feel like I'm with John mulaney and I start seeing dogs. They are winner dogs but they are larger than usual, like those modified animals in the hunger games. Something is off about them. Uncanny Valley. I'm in the car and I'm driving to my grandmas house but its feels like john mulaneys grandmas house. I go inside and do some stuff and as I'm leaving I remember the dogs. but now they aren't wild dogs they are cats. I think how hard can it be to keep a cat inside. I leave and a huge cat forces its was inside and I lock it in the house as fast as possible. For some reason, this house locks from the outside with one of those dodgy hotel locks with the metal chain. I can see his face pushing out as I get to my car, and as I open my car door he busts through. This cat is the size of a medium sized dog, it's unnaturally large. I start to move my car and as I back up the cat, that is now a whole ass tiger bears it's teeth and growls at me, it's on my car trying to attack me. I move forward and it busts out the triangle window in the front of my car on the driver's side. He can pike either his head of his arm into it. He's pissed. He keeps trying to scratch me with his huge claw and he keeps bearing his teeth and growling. Eventually its dawn again, and I get to the house I'm supposed to be at. It's my house but it isn't my house. I know he's sleeping on the back of my car and if I get out he'll wake up. I think about calling animal control. My dream ends.