Two Dreams, One Night

Date: 6/4/2019

By TempusVernum

This first dream was as if I was playing a video game on a console I didn't know well. All my senses were in the game, but everytime I tried to do something I had to think really hard about the controls and I often had to push random buttons to make something happen. The game seemed to be like Assassin's Creed, or at least, that's what my dream told me. There was this enormous complex that was a spa on one side and was some forbidden area on the other. First I explored the spa because there were no guards. I found nothing of note, but I did realize that when I came close to the walls on the forbidden side, I could hear the muffled sound of a woman screaming. The next time I went in, I darted past the guards and into the screaming room. It was empty at first, but seconds later a woman came out. She showed no expression and didn't even seem to notice I was there. It was like she was in a trance. I figured this was the victim. Guards were going to show up at any time, and after button smashing for a stressful minute, I figured out how to pick her up and started to run out. I was running very, very slowly, as you only can in a dream. It was like I was pushing my limits but barely moving and with this woman slung over my shoulder, the guards were in pursuit. Eventually, it was like I was gaining momentum from the extra weight, and I began to move faster, though it was hard on my legs. I ran across a large grassy field before something odd happened and I was thrown high, high into the air. I knew I would die on impact, but I also knew it was a game so it didn't matter. I tried to open the menu so I could just restart, but I didn't get it in time and died next to what appeared to be a stage set up in the field. When I restarted, I decided to make another attempt on the forbidden side. This time, I slid in behind a guard who was sitting down, being lazy. For whatever reason, he had a GoPro laying on the ground and I swiped it as I went by. I knew it wouldn't be long before he noticed it was gone, so I chose a forbidden hall at random and fumbled with the GoPro, tightening the stand and turning it on. I made my way down the well appointed hall. It was like a high end, modern office. The carpet was gray and the walls were smooth, white panels that interconnected every 10 feet or so. The hall curved slightly and it seemed to be lit by watery sunlight alone, although the only window was at the end, where I was headed. I saw a woman at the end, and chalk it up to my misuse of the controls or the sluggish way you move it dreams when it's important to be fast, but I could only move inches as she looked up. For a moment I was able to keep out of sight due to the curve in the hall, but she quickly saw me. Instead of calling the guards though, she called me over. It was her and a male assistant, and I don't remember how the conversation went down, but she was going to show me what they'd been working on. They had a small metal tool they brought to my head, and she said not to worry. I felt a tickling sensation and then I felt my body relax. It was like the tool made you relax to the point of doing whatever the user wanted. I don't think I ever got out with my GoPro footage of their mind control. ---------------------- The second dream took place on a school choir trip to Chicago. Only, I'm not in high school anymore, and dream me knew it. It was always night during this dream, and there was always bad weather, be it rain or snow. Additionally, the proportions of the buildings were weird. They were very close together, and sometimes they appeared to tower over you, and other times you could see in a 20th story window. I wasn't really taking part in the school activities because I wasn't in school, but one night, the water was out in our building and me, some friends and the choir director went to find a working bathroom. We went to the next building over, where apparently the choir guys were staying. One of my friends showed us where the bathroom was and we went up. I was waiting for everyone on what was basically bleachers overlooking a hall where there was a lot of foot traffic. I was sitting with my boyfriend when I saw a surprisingly familiar face in the crowd. It was a girl I'd gone to school with in sixth grade, seven years prior. She and I had been friends, but not incredibly close. "Eva?" I said quietly, but she heard me and looked up. After a moment's hesitation she recognized me and we ran and hugged. She and my boyfriend and I went back down to the ground floor of my building, where we were sitting in what looked like a loading dock, but it was very dark and empty and rain was raging outside. We began to hear a tornado siren, and hurried to some industrial stairs in the back corner of the room. They went down, and that was all we needed. We started going down with me in the lead. It was so, so dark. You couldn't see your hand if it was in front of your nose. It was also very foreboding and frightening, but I kept going down. Eventually, we were relieved to see light and we went out a door. Here's where it gets a little more complicated. For the sake of ease, I'll explain the backstory now, but we sort of figured it out as we went along. Eva's parents had sold themselves to a big corporate magnate and were put into cryo sleep in exchange for a large amount of money going to Eva. She hadn't known this. As we came out the door, we were confronted by two rooms on either side. One was full of Eva's stuff from when she was a kid and the other was full of her parent's stuff. Apparently the magnate had everything dumped in these rooms when he took her parents. We went into her room and were looking around when we heard someone coming down the hall. Quickly, we turned off the light and fell among the piles of stuff so our silhouettes would blend in. The person looked in, but walked away. We breathed a sigh of relief and turned on the light again. Then we heard the footsteps. Eva and my boyfriend fell back again and I went for the light, but the stranger saw me before I could turn it off. He came at me. My boyfriend and Eva made it out, but I was left to grapple with this huge man who immediately attacked me. He was an underling of the magnate, a half-level boss, if you want to thing in video game terms. I fought as hard as I could, and I had to play dirty but eventually I gained the upper hand. There were some odd moments during the fight when it was like it was being shown on a news channel, some men behind a desk running replays and reacting to my fight. I swung around him and somehow got him to the floor, where I began beating his head with whatever I could find of Eva's old toys until he was dead. I caught up with Eva and my boyfriend, where they had met a toughened older man, who was part of the security of the building above. He was going to be our main weapon against the magnate, and we began to suit up with armor and weapons we found around. My boyfriend wore a heavier chain mail, while the security man wore a lighter chain mail. Eva wore leather, and I didn't get any armor, but I did get a gun. The continuity of the dream falls apart here, because suddenly an all out battle was taking place, first person shooter style and I was picking off grunts on balconies of other buildings. I never remember beating the magnate or retrieving Eva's parents, but I had such a sense of victory throughout the dream, I think we must have.