Date: 1/28/2020
By alejandrariv3ra
I woke up in my Tia mery’s bed to someone running their nails up and down my back but I thought I was alone so I turn around and see a man is in bed with me. I instantly get up because I’m super freaked out so I start asking him to get out and leave and he’s not, he’s enjoying me getting so worked up. After a while struggling with him I get up and leave, to go find a man to get him to get out so I find my Tia Eugenia and she’s not taking it as seriously as I’d like but we go out to get Ricardo and he’s busy with the dogs but says he will. People start arriving, and I think I’ve been forgotten so I decide to call the police. I can’t understand anything on the call so my sister ends up doing it for me. We are going back to where the cards table is inside and that’s what I’m showing her like that’s where he is, he’s in that room and then door starts opening so I get super scared but it turn out about 10 men start walking out. Ricardo has gotten them after all. I asked why so many men were coming out and turns out my cousin Antonio had known where there were more so they’d gotten them too. How they got them out was in a single file line, spaced out because each person had their wrist tied by a metal pronged dog collar, connecting them all. They come out to where we are and we have to ask if they’ve got other men aka so that nobody comes after us but they say no. So I go back to the room to check if my stuff Is all in tact- it is. The guys aim was unclear though I don’t understand why he was there. It was so uncomfortable when he was caressing me in bed because he was a fat 35 year old man and it was scaring me.